BETAN Relief '09 for Typhoon Ondoy In a potpourri of photos and messages, UP Betans rise to the call of service and volunteerism to aid the victims of super typhoon Ondoy, especially the affected brods, that hit RP/Metro Manila Sep 26. |
Click for "Membership Dues Paid" (as of 9-30-09, by Treasurer Edsel Arceo) |
Environmental Awareness - Oct. '09 Dr. Jun Battad'74, Sr. Project Officer for the Dept. of Sustainability and Environment in Victoria, AU, writes about the biggest loss of life and damage to property by bushfire on Feb. 7, 2009 known as Black Saturday. |
"Sleepless in Siyatol" GP Cosme Santiago'67 leads the Beta Sigma Northwest Chapter's 1st Induction and Frat Ball in Seattle, WA. [The Brods dined, danced and slept well in Seattle!] |
Quo vadis? (Whither goest thou?) Profiling two young Betan professionals: Jerry Bongco'94, mktg. manager for RP Microsoft, and June Banagodos'95, a volunteer in Africa, walk different paths. |
With his "Clickbag" always in tow, Rolly Reyes'66 gives us a first installment of his artful photos for Travelogue. In this issue, he captures images and people in Indonesia, China and USA West Coast. |
Recently Departed Brods We pray for our beloved brothers from the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity who have passed on. We pray for their families and loved ones. Rest in peace, dear Brods. |
Environmental Awareness - Sept. '09 Vic Battad'68, a Canadian forester with 11 years of greenhouse growing experience, discusses "Greenhouse Best Management Practices (BMP)" . This is Part 1 of 2. |
What, no protest?! Dr. Fred Aquino aka "Smooth Operator", ECom Chairman, manages a seamless BOD election and declares Willie Vergara as President of UPBSFI for 2009-2011. Cheers indeed!! |
"Ate Sa Agosto" is an annual project of UPLB Sigma Beta started by Sis Zsak Criador that awards cash and groceries to 5-10 girl recipients in 4-5 dorms. Plus photos of Campus Day celeb and Betan Parties at Lacxo Grill and City of Springs. |
This brand new section "Travelogue" debuts with Norm Bituin's "A Summer Hike in Utah's National Parks", plus wild water ride on Colorado River. Brods, dig up those great vacation shots and share! |
LB Big Brothers Bounty (BBB) and UP NorCal award 8 LB and 1 Diliman brods with scholarship for 1st sem. of 2009-10. Recipients are diverse from different colleges: Eng'g.,Vet Med, Aggie, Chem., Forestry, Economics. |
Environmental Awareness - August'09 Johnny Regadio'66, a professional forester, visits and makes an ocular inspection of the UPV Beta Sigma Centennial Forest in Miag- ao, Iloilo and notes critical action items. |
Lloyd Dizon'87 sends photos of this pre-63rd Anniversary jam and festivity at Greenhouse Grill, QC by Brods & Gals. |
In "Gabby's Travels" (with apologies to Jonathan Swift), Gabby Moraleda'68 in his recent visit to RP feels nostalgic as he hangs out at the old Tambayan with the residents; enjoys the warm welcome at Naga w/Noli's Black Secrets SOMA. |
Dr. Ted Topacio'49, National Scientist, is honored at the 63rd Anniversary Frat Ball and Induction of the UP Beta Sigma Diliman officers writes Rolly Reyes'66 in "A Never-Ending Love Story". Cheers!!! |
Golden Flashback: as we approach and await our 63rd Anniversary on July 14, '09 we bring back these photos, souvenirs and fond memories of our 50th in 1996. |
Dutch Aragones'78's Powerpoint, first shown at SF Reunion '09. (size=70mb) |
The Great San Francisco Reunion'09: Nature Trips. After 3 days in SF, Brods & Wives fan out to the great outdoors of California camping out at Yosemite Nat'l. Park, marveling at the giant sequoias and frolicking at the Mendocino Coast. |
The Great San Francisco Reunion '09: Days 3+. Send-off Picnic is not final get- together and merriment. More impromptu fun happenings follow at "The Palazzo Di Salud", "A Taste of Venice with Bicol Cooking" and "Dinner in L.A. with Rico". |
The Great San Francisco Reunion'09: Day 2, Part 2. Founder Rico Arranz '46 inducts incoming officers of the UP Beta Sigma North '09-'11 headed by GP Manolo Banzon'68 at the Grand Frat Ball held at Sheraton Hotel. |
The Great San Francisco Reunion'09: Day 2, Part 1. Brods & Families enjoyed this day's full schedule before the night's Fraternity Ball: A. Sports - Golf, Bowling and Billiards; B. S.F. Bay Catamaran Cruise; C. International Conference & Los Banos 50th "101010" Launching. |
The Great San Francisco Reunion '09: Day 1. Founder Rico Arranz'46 leads. Departed Brothers remembered in Mass. Hospitality Night - food, music and dance. |
Environmental Awareness - June'09 Rene de Rueda'64 explains the concept and strategy and gives us an update on the Beta Sigma Heritage Tree Park supported by UPBSFI with UPV Brods in the forefront. |
Chet Almazan'73: "A Betan in the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Bhutan" with His Majesty, King Jigme Wangchuck. |
Dr. Ted Topacio'49, former Dean of UP College of Veterinary Medicine, is named RP National Scientist for his pioneering efforts on the control of animal diseases. |