**  Election Results for UPBSFI Board of Directors and President & Chairman, 2009-2011 **



ECom Chairman Dr. Fred Aquino, DVM

 aka "Smooth Operator" (as in Sade's famous song)


Brod President, Members of the BOD, UPBSFI, and Brods,


The members of the Election Committee respectfully submits the names and at the same time declare them winners of the July 31, 2009 UPBSFI BOD's Election. On behalf of the members of the ECom, I congratulate all the winners and to all the other candidates for your efforts and participation in the election. The members of the ECom do hereby declare the  brods listed below as winners of the election.


In the contested positions in the various GL's the winners are listed in the order of the total votes. Please check the attachment for the vote count for each candidate.


Northern California

Gabby Moraleda

Ike Araneta

Gerry Abenes

Gene Samson

Winston Acevedo


Southern California

Edsel Arceo

Norman Bituin

Danny Galoso

Sonny Pagador


Eastern USA

Wally Rodriguez

Ed Quisumbing


Northwest USA

Angie Garbes


Southeast USA

Caloy Las Marias


Midwest USA

Lem Michelena



Noli Nolasco

Vic Battad



Willie Nepomoceno

Danny Lachica

Jesus Jayme, Jr.

Jojo Alejar



 Rene de Rueda



 Anggie Angliongto



Mario Manzano


Rest of the World

Jopet Laraya



Chairman, ECom '09                        Co-Chair, ECom '09

(s) Fred R. Aquino, DVM                    (s) Dominador "Boy" Ramos



 (s) Carlo Magno Taguinod, DVM        (s) Rafael "Raffy" Hidalgo          (s) Bing Garcia


Alternate Members:

 (s) Prince Elmer Reyes                    (s) Dave Villegas, Esq.


I wish to take this opportunity to thank from the bottom of my heart all the members of the ECom '09 for their unselfish devotion and undying Betan Spirit for the success of this year's election. I now declare the election of 2009 close. OVER & OUT.


Mabuhay Tayong Lahat!!!!!!



Nong Fred '57, 8-12-2009






Majority of the members of the UPBSFI BOD agreed to forego the election and the main reason for the decision was that only one was nominated as candidate of the President of UPBSFI and the BOD's. Since there was only one nominee, the candidate may have only one vote to win. On behalf of the ECom, I congratulate the members of the Board for their participation, cooperation and willingness to exercise basic democratic principles.


For your information, Brod Anggie Angliongto cast the first official vote for Brod Tatang Vergara. Listed below are the members of the BOD that voted or indicated their support for Brod Willie "Tatang" Vergara as President of UPBSFI and the BOD's:


Northern California: Gerry Abenes, Ike Araneta, Southern California: Edsel Arceo, Norman Bituin, Dan Galoso, Eastern USA: Wally Rodriguez, Ed Quisumbing, Southeast USA: Caloy las Marias, Northwest USA; Angie Garbes, Midwest USA: Lem Michelena, Canada: Vic Battad, Noli Nolasco, Luzon: Jesus Jayme, Jr, Jojo Alejar, Dan Lachica, Visayas: Rene de Rueda, Mindanao: Anggie Angliongto, Australia: Mario Manzano, Rest of the World: Jopet Laraya, BBB: Dutch Aragones, Soma/TK/BNT: Ollie Jumao-as.


On behalf of the ECom, I now declare the election close and give notice that  Brod Willie "Tatang" Vergara the President-Elect of UPBSFI and the BOD's 2009-2011.


The ERules allow a time period to protest the election. Such protest shall be lodged with any member of the ECom up to 4:00 PM, P.S.T, August 25, 2009. The protest must contain specific arguments or reasons for the protest.




Fred Aquino '57 UPD, 8-24-09





Time: 3:45 PM, P.S.T, Sacramento, California, August 25, 2009


On behalf of the Election Committee (ECom), I officially declare Brod Willie "Tatang" Vergara President-Elect of UPBSFI and President of UPBSFI Board of Directors for the term 2009-2011.


With that mandate, Brod President Tatang, you may now begin to work.


Congratulations and Good Luck!!! 




 Fred Aquino, DVM, '61, UPD BSF '57, 8-25-2009




** Acceptance Message by Willie Vergara, President & Chairman, 2009-2011 **



From: Willie Vergara

Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:59 PM

Subject: {UPBSF International} Re: Official Declaration: President of UPBSFI and UPBSFI Board of Directors.


CONGRATULATIONS to the 14 New Members of the Board of Directors -- Brods Angie Garbes (USA NorthWest), Gerry Abenes (Northern California), Willie Nepomuceno (Philippines - Luzon), Caloy Las Marias (SouthEast USA), Jayjay Jayme (Philippines - Padre Faura), Gene Samson (NorCal), Jojo Alejar (Philippines - UPLB), Rene de Rueda (Philippines - Visayas), Anggie Angliongto (Philippines - Mindanao), Wally Rodriguez (Eastern USA), Vic Battad (British Columbia Canada), Mario Manzano (Australia), Lem Michelena (MidWest USA), and to Dutch Aragones (BBB Chair).
CONGRATULATIONS to the 13 Re-Elected and Experienced Members - former Prez Norman Bituin, Ed Quisumbing, Jopet Laraya, Noli Nolasco, Danny Lachica, Edsel Arceo, Danny Galoso, Ollie Jumao-as, OBBF Chair Raffy Hidalgo, Ike Araneta, Sonny Pagador, Gabby Moraleda and Winston Acevedo. 
CONGRATULATIONS to the Election Committee. Nong Fred Aquino and his team comprised of three other "Manongs" and highly respected brods -- Dominador "Boy" Ramos, Carling Taguinod and David Villegas, the venerable brod from Mindanao Bing Garcia, OBBF's Raffy Hidalgo, and ECom's "bunso", Diliman GP Prince Elmer Reyes. You have received a lot of accolodes from all four corners of the world for leading this successful democratic exercise.
CONGRATULATIONS to the 15 Southern California and Northern California Brothers who met in PISMO Beach, California on January 27, 2001 and finalized the mission, vision and manifesto of UPBSFI, Inc. (then called UP Beta Sigma USA). The "movement" that you have started 8 years ago is as strong as ever.
CONGRATULATIONS to all current members of UPBSFI, Inc. for being part of a noble movement. With more and more of you volunteering in projects, there's no way we could ever fail. The UP Betan spirit lives!
MY HIGHEST RESPECTS go to those who declined nominations yet have expressed their desire to work in the background and in order to give way to new blood. Yes, your valuable services will continue to be tapped, and I am referring to the following: Brandy Ancheta, Bong Beredo, Johnny Regadio, Pogs Gaspay, Ago Romero, Judz Rey and my "manongs" Cosme Santiago, Sluggo Rigor and Don Ganchorre. Manolo Banzon in his acceptance speech as NorCal also expressed to pursue our common vision and mission.
We will be undertaking more difficult and extremely important programs and projects very soon. In keeping with our practice of transparent and service-oriented governance, we will be submitting to everybody within a month our Work Program for the next two years so that each one may have to chance contribute to our success.
As ever your servant,
Willie "Tatang" Vergara, 8-25-2009




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