Painting for Grandkids in Covid time

 by Willie Vergara


My wife Tess and I have been spending much of our time in Los Angeles during this Covid-19 time. Reason: To take care of our two youngest grandchildren while their parents, both doctors, are at work in their respective hospitals. To maximize my time, as in every dutiful grandpa (for both Adrion and Enzo, who call me “GP”), I give in to their requests for paintings about their respective “obsessions”.

Adrion is extremely fascinated with Endangered Animals, while Enzo is crazy with dinosaurs. Following are among the paintings I have done in order to earn their hugs and kisses.




Carnitaurus (left) and T-Rex (right): acrylic on canvas 16" x 20"


Spinosaurus: acrylic on canvas 16" x  12" 


Nanugsaurus (arctic dinosaur): acrylic on canvas 16" x  12" 


Australian Sea Lion: acrylic on canvas 16" x  12"


Guinea Fowl: acrylic on canvas 16" x  12"


Harpy Eagle and Philippine Eagle: acrylic on canvas 16" x  12"


Ring-tailed Mongoose: acrylic on canvas 16" x  12"



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