New GP of NORCAL Chapter Appoints Officers Manuel "Bong" Beredo UPD'73b, the incoming GP of the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity Northern California Chapter, announced his new set of officers during the Christmas Party held last 02Dec2006 at Fairfield, CA...<--- |
PISMO Beach Becoming A Tradition For the 2nd consecutive year, the BOD of the UPBSFII held what's turning out to be a yearly powwow at Pismo Beach. SoCal GP Brod Sonny Pagador was elected to the BOD, replacing brod TitoDS. Click...---> |
UPBSFAAI Elects New Officers at the Capitol Hills Golf & Country Club today, 16Dec2006. Brod Dario D. Sabularse UPLB'65 will lead the premier alumni association for years 2007-08. At left is outgoing President & Chairman of the Board, Brod Vic Ramos, with Brod Dario. Cheers!!! <--- Click for more pics... |
UPBSFI PISMO 2006 Meet ! With 136 members now, the Board of UPBSFII met on the 11-12Nov weekend for fellowship and to set the 2007 priorities. More than 2/3 of the BOD attended, including non-BOD members and of course, the beautiful ladies of UPBSFII... ---> |
Special Dinner at Brod Eddie Jose's Penthouse A special dinner for Brods VicR and LitoT was hosted by the Makati Chapter at the beautiful penthouse of the Jose bldg at Bo. Kapitolyo in Pasig last 08Dec2006. Please click picture above for more...^ |
BETAN Brods In LATFIL 2006 The members of the Beta Sigma Fraternity have always played a critical role in the presence of the Indonesian discipline, TETADA Kalimasada, in the Philippines, from being master instructors, in energy projections, & in the conduct of demos, to holding key positions in the organization...<--- |
Brod Dandy Gorrez UPLB'59 Passed Away 16Nov Founder of the Tumbleweeds Band in the 60's, and one of the famous Gorrez brothers, the clan to first produce 3rd generation Betans in Los Banos. The Last Rites was given by the UPLB Chapter on 19th of Nov.---> |
Some UPDATES from the UPLB Chapter Brod Jojo Criador UPLB'81b shares some activities done (and to be done) by the UPLB brods, in coordination with the resident members who just welcomed 4 new brothers into the fold. Cheerz!!!... ^ |
Brod Ely Aldana UPD'59 Passed Away 02Nov Read for more details, and the messages from his son, the officers of the UPBSF International and UPBSF Socal. Updates will be posted as these become available... <--- click picture at left |
UP South's 11th Induction/Fratball held at Hyatt Valencia in Valencia, California, preceded by a hospitality night & 2nd Betan memorial mass for Brod Tito de Santos, a golf tournament before induction/fratball night, and a farewell lunch at GP Sonny's residence... click picture at right---> |
For Brod Dolf de la Rosa's speedy recovery UPBSFI Pres. Brod Norman Bituin shares his recent visit with Brod Dolf in Salisbury, Maryland, appending Brod Dolf's message to the brods, and some pictures from the visits of Brods Eding Hizon, Pet Grajo, WallyR & Manny Cayetano...^ |
Willie Nep's "All of Me" The UPD'69 Betan cum entertainer cum comedian cum impersonator brought the house down at Celebrity Centre in Hollywood, California on 01Sep, getting audience laughing and howling for more in another great performance in LA, sponsored by the UPBSFAA SoCal... <--- |