An Invitation to the
14th Induction of Officers & Fraternity Ball
of the
U.P. Beta Sigma Southern California Chapter
September 1-3, 2012, Valencia, California
Save the date!
1. September 1, 2012, Sat. - Hospitality Night … 7pm
Venue: Brod Sonny Pagador’s Residence
25062 Hollyhock Ct., Newhall CA 91381
(661) 210-8616
2. September 2, 2012, Sun. - 5th Brod Dal Cruz Memorial Golf Tourney
Venue : Knollwood Golf Course, 9am
12040 Balboa Blvd., Granada Hills CA 91344
3. September 2, 2012, Sun. - Fraternity Ball … 6pm – 12mn
Dinner-Dance: $75 per person
Venue: Hyatt Regency in Valencia
24500 Town Center Dr., Valencia CA 91355
Tel: ( 661) 799-1234
Music: Bits N Pieces Band
Early Hotel Reservation: $99/day
Reserve code: UP Beta Sigma Fraternity
(will be $150+ after Aug 3, 2012)
Hyatt website is:
Destination: Valencia, CA
Or call (661) 799-1234
4. September 3, 2012, Mon. - Send-off Brunch
Venue: Brod Sonny Pagador’s Residence
25062 Hollyhock Ct., Newhall CA 91381
(661) 210-8616

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