Operation Paper Bag for the Homeless

by Edsel Arceo '73


The U.P. Beta Sigma of Southern California celebrates "A Giving Christmas" to benefit the homeless. In the spirit of giving this Christmas season and as a final project under my term as U.P. SoCal's Grand Princep, the brods and families dedicated the Christmas season to gift giving to others and named it "Operation Paper Bag for the Homeless." The willingness to give whole heartedly brought meaning to this project and it continues to inspire us all in "helping others as they continue to meet each of their needs with dignity."


 The brods brought their gift of paper bags to U.P. SoCal's Christmas Party on December 17 at Brod Vale and Iou Valenzuela's residence. The paper bags were filled with everything essential such as cereal, canned goods, drinks, snacks, shavers, shampoo, soap, and other personal items. On December 28, all the paper bags were delivered to the West Valley Food Pantry in Woodland Hills, California.


l-r: Gabriella Pagador, Noel Pagador, Cristina Arceo and Elanna Arceo.






The West Valley Food Pantry's mission is to make sure that the hungry, working poor, and the homeless in the West Valley area of Los Angeles have access to emergency food. It is structured around providing a balanced and nutritious meal to the homeless and needy families. Every effort is made to reach out to the community so that the West Valley Pantry never runs out of things essential especially for the homeless.







                              Seated:    Noel Pagador, Gabriella Pagador, Mayette Arceo, Elanna Arceo and Tina Martin.

                              Standing:  Sonny Pagador and Edsel Arceo.


"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting." As this year closes and a new year is at our doorstep, it is a great time for us to reflect on our accomplishments, as well as anticipate what lies immediately ahead. As we reflect on yet another year, may we find plenty to be thankful for. The year 2012 will require each one of us to play our part to build upon our past successes and take on those new and continuing challenges. Thank you all for your continued support and commitment. I am proud of the privilege to serve as your Grand Princep.


May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Best Wishes for the New Year! Cheers!




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