UP Mindanao Officers and
Members Inducted During the 64th Anniversary
by Brod Dominique Contrata,
Master of the Rolls
The year 2010 is known to be the
year of the tiger, but then it is also known to be the Year of the U.P.
Beta Sigma Fraternity. Last July 14, 2010, the U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity
Mindanao Chapter celebrated the fraternity’s 64th Anniversary and the 2010
Declaration with the Betan Ball on Kookels Bangkal.

The Betan Ball was purposely organized for the induction ceremonies which
include the Signing, Pinning, and Oath- taking of the resident brothers.

Oath-taking as new Betans
administered by Brod Tito Ilagan

Pledge of

GP Bert
Millendez signs the Book of Knowledge with Brod Danny Abad
The event started with the singing of the Betan Hymn—led by Brod Michael
Lacsamana— which was then followed by dinner. A prayer was led by Brod
Monzer Abpi, followed by an opening speech by Brod Khalil Guinomla, M.D.

Brod. Dr.
Khalil Guinomla, MD

Brod Danny
Shortly after dinner were the Induction Ceremonies. Brod Danilo Abad, an
alumnus of U.P. Los Banos and one of the founders of the U.P. Beta Sigma
Fraternity Mindanao Chapter, took the podium as the event’s host and led
in the introduction of the resident brods— GP Bert James Millendez, VGP
Jonathan Laid, MOTR Dominique John Contrata, GOTC Emmanuele Militar, WOTS
Mon Alberto Echevarria, Kristian Martin Patal, Carlos Lindayag, Richard
Von Lao, Benjamin Joseph Bote, Jinno Raphael Rhett Gutierrez, Michael
Lacsamana, and Muhammad Monzer Abpi. They were also asked to participate
in the Signing Ceremony.

Pinning Ceremony

UP Mindanao
Sigma Betans, take 1

UP Mindanao
Sigma Betans, take 2
The Pinning Ceremony starring the inductees and their dates followed. Just
before the dance between the inductees and their respective partners, Brod
Lauro Tito Ilagan, an alumnus of UP Visayas, led the inductees in a pledge
to be always true, die-hard Betans.

UP Beta
Sigma Mindanao Resident Brods

Alumni Brods

Brod Jojo

Brod Anggie
As the osnub (bunso) of the chapter, Brod Monzer Abpi led the Betan Credo
to formally close the Induction Ceremonies.
Afterwards, Brod Antipas Criador, one of the founders of the U.P. Beta
Sigma Fraternity Mindanao Chapter and father of the current UPLB Grand
Princep, gave an inspirational speech before the brothers, sisters and
guests. Brod Antipas Criador's speech was received with a standing
ovation. Brod Sebastian Angliongto, one of the original members and elders
of UP Beta Sigma Fraternity International in 2001 (San Francisco), also
gave a speech about how the UP Mindanao Chapter began. Lastly, Grand Princep Bert James Millendez gave his closing speech. The GP’s speech
ended with our battlecry, “Long-live the Kapatirang Beta Sigma!”

Jinno Gutierrez & Adel
Julius Valdez, Danny Abad, Mon Carpio, Tito Ilagan & Adel Oviedo

Von Lao, MIS Minin Sinsona & Sis Kharise
Anggie Angliongto, Jojo Criador, Khalil Guinomla & Atty

Jay Rala, Adel Oviedo, Norman Dumalag, Mon
Carpio, Stephen Tay, Tito Ilagan, Elcid Ablang, Jed Peralta, Khalil

Cheers, Cheers UP
Mindanao Beta
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