Dario Sabularse Blood Drive

The residents of the U.P.
Beta Sigma Fraternity, Los Baños chapter has successfully held the Dario
Sabularse Blood Letting last February 16, 2011 at the office of the
University Registrar lobby, UPLB.
Dedicated to our late brod, Dario Sabularse, the U.P. Beta Sigma
Fraternity has launched activities that contribute to the health of the
people of its community. From the Medical Mission last year, the
fraternity has geared up to a blood drive; done in cooperation with the
Red Cross Youth-UPLB A total of 45 donors participated; a number we are
proud to say as a good start. Donors include students and employees from
the university and some brods who’re both excited and nervous, for it’ll
be their first time for handling this kind of activity and their first
time as well to donate blood.
The fraternity is very grateful to all those who made this event possible:
for Globe Telecommunications Inc. for granting new SIM cards to the
donors, for Brod Jojo Alejar who was there and supported the activity all
throughout, for the donors, and for all other people we have failed to
mention. In the end, the U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity will continue to hold
this kind of activity, learn more, and contribute even more for the good
of its community.
Tomsak Criador '06f , 2-19-11
The Dario Sabularse Blood Drive
was a success. There were 45 donors with a lot more turned down for
various reasons. The doctors were very strict in the interview part before
the final approval to donate blood was given. The Philippine National Red
Cross 143 Los Banos Chapter and the UPLB Red Cross Youth participated and
assisted this activity of the resident brods & sis'.
The lead group was the PNRC Sta Cruz, Laguna Provincial HQ. Event Chairman
was Brod 'Gibo' Lumba'09. Brod Rolly Reyes'66 UPDil (UPBSF Inc. EVP)
facilitated the fast approval of this civic action through National PNRC
Sec General Gwen Pang. One doctor and one nurse from the similarly
beautiful Ladies Corp (LC Perpetual Help College, Binan) joined us. Five
members of Gamma Sigma donated blood.
H20 jugs, plastic cups, utensils, paper plates, incidentals, labor++ -
Resident Brods led by GP Tomsac'06f
4 Tables, 40 chair, Tarpaulin Ad - Puts Laforteza'02
50 pan-adobo sandwiches - Mike Alcasid'79d
40 Globe Prepaid Simcards- Ponch Chan'99 of Globe Telecoms
Lechon Php6000 - Pat Atos '81a
50 Balut - Php600 (P12 x 50 pcs) - Ambo Lapis'80c
Php1000 - Mark Nubla'79d
Php1000 - Douglas Mondonedo'65a
Php2000 - Jojo Alejar'79d
Total expenses - Php 9942+ Balut Php600
Ave cost of each meal (2 viands, rice, soda) Php80-100. The
doctors(3), PNRC staff, nurses were all given meal stubs too.
Each donor was provided with a free Simcard, balut and/or sandwich plus a
meal stub (lunch) at the COOP (total bill-Php3942). The lechon was shared by
all PNRC staff, brods & sis.
Special thanks to UP SoCal Brods Edsel Arceo'73d UPD and Ed Rivera'68a UPD, and
BOT Cris Michelena'73d UPD for finding time to visit the bloodletting.
Brod Dario's wife, Vern, was our special guest.
Senior Adviser Brod Chito 'Wow' Protacio enjoined his students at Agronomy
to donate.
Freddie Fajardo'64 & new Lb Chapter BOT Muloy Eala'79a tried to donate
blood but alcohol was still in their veins that morning, hehe.
Dan Solis'93, fresh from New Zealand, attended too.
Jojo Alejar'79d, 2-16-11

Resident brods with
Red Cross members

Jec Cabuguason '04d donates blood
Jordan Jalosjos '08c reacts to the blood test, hehe

Our lovely resident
sisters (l-r): Nikki Taule, Ja Manalang, MIS Mel Menguiat, Rocel Alejar,
Erin Calugay, donor, Carla Dimaranan.
