The Betans were gung-ho at the 2010
UP Lantern Parade
by Lester Palad, Batch 2007
THE Brods did it again. We are back in full force for
the UP Lantern Parade, a tradition that usually takes place on the late
afternoon of the last day of classes before the Christmas break.
This year, it was held last Dec. 17 with the UP Beta
Sigma Fraternity being classified an official participant. In fact, the
only fraternity that joined this spectacular year-end activity.
Prior to this culminating event, the Brods – not only
the Diliman residents, but also elder Brods and Brods from various
chapters – made the necessary preparations.
After class, the residents rehearsed the traditional
Snake Dance, and then spent time until the wee hours of dusk to print
Fraternity shirts using silk screens (technology considered by some older
Brods to have been lost in time, but thankfully taught to the residents by
Brod Dope Cobarrubia ‘05B).
A lantern of Malmon, very faithful to the artwork of
Brod Banz Bañez, was also created by the Fine Arts Brods Carlo De Laza
‘10E and Brod Leopoldo Palad ‘10C.
On the part of the alumni, Brod Rolly Reyes ’66, the
newly-elected vice president of our alumni association, initiated a viral
spread of information about the Lantern Parade, inviting not just Diliman
alumni, but also Brods from all walks of the metropolis – most notably the
University Belt Brods.
On the day of the Lantern Parade, the residents were
already prepping and practicing the routines by lunchtime. The elder Brods
gradually collected at the Palma Hall Annex Tambayan. To the Brods’
dismay, rain started pouring at 2pm, prompting fears of interruption of
the parade. Thankfully, the rain subsided barely after the call time of
Newly-elected UP Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. President
Rene De Rueda led the alumni brods. By 3pm, the Brods about to participate
in the parade gathered at the Tambayan. An astounding number of Brods
came. No Brod could exactly tell the number. Over 200 Brods came to openly
participate. Had it not rained and heavy traffic didn’t jam the roads
going to Diliman, more Brods could have come to participate.
The Fraternity shirts produced by the residents were
sold and issued to the attendees. Brod Poti Aparato ‘77A also provided
Fraternity jackets and shirts for the Brods.
The parade started by 4pm. The waiting Brods watched
the Colleges of the University parade first. Suddenly, Founding Brod Rico
Arranz ’46 appeared and joined the Betans, much to the delight of the
Brods! By the time the organizations paraded through the Tambayan, the
Brods, led by UP Diliman Grand Princep Josh Caringal, squeezed into the
line and joined the parade (And yes, the ever-strong-in-health Founder
Rico Arranz marched with the Brods).
The spectators watched in awe as the resident Brods, in
black shirt and black hood, fall into a single line. In front of them are
the banner of UP Beta Sigma Fraternity and the Malmon lantern. Behind the
residents, the elder Brods and Brods from the other chapters followed.
It was a very large march of Betan Sigmans clad in
black, one spectator exclaims. The Brods slowly marched until the
residents stopped in front of the Palma Hall (Arts and Sciences) steps,
and prepared for what they’re about to present.
And thus, by the thud of the drum, the Snake Dance was
once again performed.
All the Brods screamed “Beta… Sigma… Beta Sigma!” in
repetitive unison as the train of hooded residents ‘slither’ along the
Roxas Avenue, in front of the awestruck AS crowd.
After this first showing, the Brods marched along the
Academic Oval, only to stop in front of the Melchor Hall, the College of
Engineering. On the way, the little kids can’t help but adore the Malmon
Lantern (they say it’s really cute).
In front of Melchor Hall, the residents performed the
Snake Dance again. The dance seemed to have astounded the audience of
engineering students that they shouted in unison, “Ulit! Ulit!”. The Brods,
of course, willingly complied and performed the Snake Dance again.
By this time, the sun is already down, but the Brods
are not done yet. The Brods walked to the final destination of the parade
– The Quezon Hall, the Administrative Building, where the President of the
University, Dr. Emerlinda Roman, watches over the parade.
The brods marched with tarpaulins that announced our
selected themes: State Education for All (against the budget cuts in UP
and all other state universities); Save our Marine Environment; Ensure
Food Security for All; Free Randy Malayao Now (a politically-detained brod);
We Support UP Regional Associations (under threat of abolishment by the UP
System) and; for her three years of service and support, Thank You Ma’am
Emer and a Merry Christmas to All!
The messages were created and approved by the
newly-elected board of the UP Beta Sigma Fratenity, Inc. in coordination
with GP Josh in a meeting held prior to the much-awaited day.
For the first time in a very long while, the Brods were
able to parade in front of the UP Administration, which was overwhelmed by
the massive presence of the alumni Brods. The emcees there also recognized
and acknowledged the presence of Brod Ambassador Jimmy Yambao ’63.
After this, the Brods returned to the Tambayan to rest
for a bit, because after that, the jug-a-lug, followed. In the spirit of
fellowship, the Brods jugged at Brod Caloy Agulto ‘74B’s Gulp Club,
concluding the last activity for 2010, The Year of the UP Beta Sigma
UP Diliman Lantern Parade
by Rolly Reyes,
Sharing with you photos in my
Picasa web album the highlights of last night's UP Lantern Parade, Dec
17, 2010.
These photos were posted by Brod
Paolo Balmores on Facebook as well as those posted by Brod Rupert Ambil.
Resident brods of UP Beta Sigma
Diliman performing our traditional snake dance in front of UP President
Emerlinda Roman and UP Board of Regents at the Administration Building.
Some selected photos from
Big crowd witness the excitement of UP Lantern Parade

UP President Emerlinda Roman
meets the Brods
Dante Agulto shakes
her hands while UPBSF, Inc.VP Rolly Reyes & Pres. Rene de Rueda hold
Founder Atty. Rico Arranz & UPBSF,
Inc. President Rene de Rueda lead the fraternity

Snake Dance

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