Through the Decades: 38 Years of Tradition and Excellence
by Ying Palafox

The UP Baguio Beta Sigma Fraternity
Alumni Association and the Beta Sigma resident brods, together with the
Ladies Corps recently celebrated their 38th founding anniversary and first
ever fraternity ball at Richmonde Hotel, Eastwood, Libis Q.C. on 03
October 2015.
Despite the heavy Metro Manila traffic, the event was packed, with the
attendance of UP Diliman Brods and St. Louis University (SLU) Brods who
are traditionally close to the UPB chapter, giving their unconditional
support, leaving a mere handful chairs unoccupied.
It was an affair to remember, what with Brods and LCs of different
generations mingling together in a mix mash of oddly disparate eras and
personalities, from the pre martial law babies to the millennial
generation of today. As expected, and even with the eclectic mix,
brotherhood and kinship among and between the Brods were nevertheless
evident. The ideals of the Fraternity and the bond between brothers know
no age or generational gap. It was as if everyone was transported to a
place where none of these mattered, as it always should.

Arnold Magno, Bernard
Palang, W Santos, Joey Onias, E Garcia, Dennis Belmonte

Jun St Barbs

Ying Palafox

Brods from all over the Philippines and abroad came to pay tribute to the
chapter, school alma mater and more importantly, to each other. The theme
for the event titled "Through the Decades: 38 years of Tradition and
Excellence" was aptly coined to reflect the chapter's tradition of
excellence. Notable Brods who have made a mark on the fraternity and on
society were given due recognition for their unwavering dedication and
commitment to the Fraternity's ideals. These Brods have excelled in their
chosen profession and serve to inspire the brothers to emulate them in
their words and deeds.
The attendees were welcomed by Brod Ric Torres (77-C) whose meaningful
message was well received by Brods and LCs alike.
Brod Joey Onias, currently the CFO of a vast Palm oil conglomerate in
Indonesia, an awardee, was the ball's keynote speaker. Brod Joyce narrated
his humble beginnings, to his journey to becoming a Betan, the most
important decision of his college life. He goes on to share his character
forming experiences and how these helped him persevere in life. He
challenged the residents to be better Brods for the greater good of the

Joey Onias,
Guest Speaker

Ying Palafox, Joey

UPB Ladies Corps
Brod Rene Gallardo (UPB batch 78), currently the President of the Beta
Sigma Federation of North America, also an awardee, was inspirational
speaker, motivating the Brods and stressing the importance of values and
the application of the fraternity's ideals in the real world.
The other awardee Brods were Brod Jocel Baac, currently the Governor of
Kalinga and one of 7 founding members of the Chapter (77-A); Brod Danny
Peralta (batch 78), a Colonel in the PNP; and Brod Panky Cascolan (81'),
also a PNP Colonel, who was recently awarded as one of the top 10
policemen in the PNP.
The event was a perfect time to reconnect and reminisce on past exploits
and old times. Brods and LCs who have not seen each other for years or
decades even, all had a great time. Nostalgic stories and the expected
trips down memory lane dominated the often times boisterous gathering, all
in good fun. Stories of bravado, mischievousness and frivolity were the
big hits of the night. As if by happenstance (with a lot of dedicated,
hard work), all the efforts of the Brods came together to make the event
one, if not the most memorable, to my recollection. A look at Facebook's
activity on this event demonstrate the ridiculously happy faces of the
attendees who waxed sentimental of times past, but all eagerly looking
forward to the next grand affair. Brods and LCs who were not able to
attend had promised not to miss the next grand affair in 2017.

Ed Garcia, Bajour
Curameng, Joel Paredes, Pete Danao

Young Ones
It was also a time to reflect on the concerns and issues confronting the
Fraternity today. It was an opportunity to examine the Fraternity's
relevance and the need to change with the times. Tradition has to be
balanced with the need to evolve and cope up with changes. The Fraternity
is now at a cross roads, especially because of the effects of the k-12
program on membership recruitment and internal issues that may pose
challenges to both the quality and quantity of the membership drive. Based
on my brief discussion with one of the residents, it looks that the affair
was just the boost they needed to reinvigorate their commitment and
passion for the fraternity.
While the event was, by and large, a time of celebration, it was also a
sober reminder to both alumni and residents alike to the challenges facing
the fraternity and what was needed to be done for the future. The message
of the alumni for the continued survival and prosperity of the Chapter was
foremost in everyone's mind. The current crop of residents were all
charged to take up the task of ensuring a better and brighter Beta Sigma
for future generation of Brods to come.

Bajour Curameng, Joel
Paredes, Pete Danao, Mon Mamaril

Each brod, be he an alumni or resident, was encouraged to hearken to the
teachings of the fraternity, the same ideals that have shaped Betans into
who we are today. The Brods may be a select few, but are always up to the
task. It has never been an issue of numbers but of the quality, thus
excellence, of Brods recruited to the fold.
Each Brod was tasked to carry with them this renewed sense of purpose and
goal to put the fraternity's name back in the spotlight for the greater
glory of the Beta Sigma Fraternity.
Betans have a tradition of excellence!
Betans are an excellence of tradition!
Betans are all the best at what we do!; and
Betans are what other people dream to be!

UPB Ladies
The night was capped by dancing, singing and the induction of 1 Brod and
the mass induction of members of the Ladies Corps, who sadly did not get
the coveted kisses of Brods Bong Pionilla (founding batch 77-A) and Brod
Col. Danny Peralta (78).
In the next few months, preparations for the 40th Grand Anniversary
celebrations will be underway. UP Baguio Brods and LCs have overwhelmingly
agreed to all contribute and make the 40th even better and bigger. With US
based Brods and LCs joining the fray, the 40th is all but guaranteed to
surpass this memorable event. The challenge for the Brods is to continue
with the tradition and legacy of excellence and quality. It is with hope
and enduring belief that with the foundations laid down by the founders of
the Fraternity, the promised dream will continue...until the next
time...take your Leave of Absence - from your work, from your boss, from
yourself, and see you all in 2017 for the Baguio Beans' 40th founding
anniversary celebrations! Cheers and God Bless!

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