New Milestone for Malmon
by GP Anton Hipolito

All roads led to the Baguio
Convention Center last July 28, 2011 as the UP Baguio Beta Sigma
Fraternity's Building Blocs: A Freshmen Welcoming Party was flocked by
newbies in the university.
Approximately 400 freshmen of batch 2011 attended the event in
collaboration with the Beta Sigma Ladies' Corps. It also served as an
instrument for the fraternity and the LC's to scout for potential recruits
and additions to the family.

Building Blocs: A Freshmen Welcoming Party was organized by the 15 strong
resident brods of UP Baguio BSF together with the help of Brod Paul De
Leon, Brod Justin Cruz, Brod Emil (DMMMSU-BSF) and Brod RJ Lu and the nine
gorgeous residents of BSLC.

Brod Mark Christian Tating was the project head of the event. It started
only with a vision of how to introduce and promote our beloved fraternity
to the new batch which eventually turned out to be a major event of ours.
The event was made possible with the help and guidance of the alumni brods.
It served as an expression of the undying brotherhood we uphold even after
graduation from the university. This only signifies that the bond between
the alumni brods and the resident brods is strong and can stand the test
of time.

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