UP Baguio Beta
Sigma Fraternity Adopts New Landscape Area
by JR Roque and
Jareed Reyes
The newly completed landscape area located in front of the Student Alumni
Center Building is nothing short of our commitment to service and
excellence. Another empty lot in the campus has been transformed into an
area resonating with beauty and magnificence worthy of awe by all who pass
through this lot. A 5–layer fountain serves as the centerpiece of the
surrounding area that was landscaped by UP Baguio resident brods – one of
our Chapter’s end of year projects for our campus. (The other project is
our annual fireworks display on December 17, which we also hope to publish
The New Landscape Area

The request to develop the area came directly from the Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Administration. The university directly tapped our
Fraternity on the merit that we have successfully completed and undertaken
one such infrastructure in campus, the now much utilized and appreciated
Activity Garden funded by the UP Beta Sigma of Northern California. The
extent of urgency to which they have requested us to undertake such
endeavor is evident in the speed by which the Administration passed all
needed paper works and has asked us to proceed as soon as possible.

The realization of the new
landscape area would not have been entirely possible without the help of
the University of the Philippines Beta Sigma Fraternity-International,
Inc. (UPBSFI, Inc.) According to Tatang Vergara, President of UPBSFI,
Inc., the BOD passed the resolution in record time that made possible the
early release of funds for this project. Again, the resident brothers are
expressing our utmost gratitude for the unwavering support of our alumni.
As in the Activity Garden, the resident brothers provided the labor needed
from the initial transport of the fountain and planting of all the needed
plants up until to the actual lodging of the fountain and plants.
UP Betan Labor of Love

By the time of the inauguration
held in the morning of December 8, 2010, where distinguished guests like
incumbent U.P. President Emerlinda Roman attended, the area was well and
ready for presentation along with the Student Alumni Center Building.
Inauguration by UP
President Emerlinda Roman

A wooden panel, like the one in the Activity Garden, is lined up to be put
again in the area indicating that this is another priority project of the
UP Beta Sigma Fraternity. The Administration will also be giving us
another certificate of appreciation next year by Vice Chancellor for
Administrative Affairs Bienvenido Marzan, who went on an official leave on
December 13.
Again, the resident brothers are thankful beyond words for all the help
extended by our beloved alumni. In all time, we shall remain and live in
the Spirit of Service!
Beaming with success after another
outstanding university contribution

to the "High Altitude,
High Attitude" UP Baguio Brods
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