WALKING TALL: Dave Villegas ‘55
By Atenarai ‘71
[Photos by Tatang Vergara]
Hear ye, Hear ye! I am pleased to
announce the election of Brod Dave Villegas ’55 as the new Grand Princep
of the UP Beta Sigma Chapter of Northern California, for 2012-2014. Dave
formally assumes the top post after a 3-month transition period after his
election last July 14.
It comes as no surprise that Dave has finally answered the call to serve
after having been an active member of the Chapter for a little more than a
decade. I first met Dave at the bar of the Officers Club in Moffett field
in Sunnyvale during the term of then GP Darius Munoz. The impression that
I had of him then still holds true today…he epitomizes what most brods
would call “sosyal”. Not in a snobbish way but in a more refined
“mabiro-mischievous” way and also in a “social gadfly” sort of way, as one
brod put it. And in typical Betan fashion he also sizes you up to see if
you’re the “pikon” type. But many brods in the Chapter take this as his
gesture of endearment. Ask Dutch Aragones.

The incoming and
outgoing GPs, Dave and Gerry, guarding the Christmas tree

Dave entered the Fraternity in 1955 during the term of the late Brod Pros
Crescini. He still remembers his tormented days as a neophyte at the hands
of the Agura and Concepcion brothers and the close bond he developed with
“tisoy” brods like Dennis Navaro, Enching Rodriguez, Mon Tongco, Mike
Manguerra, and Tito Garcia, among many others. Our chug-a-lugs here in UP
North have certainly been enriched by Dave’s stories of his resident days
that he so proudly shares with us, always reminding us of how great our
fraternity has always been.

Dave and the UP North
brods with the late Betan stalwarts - Master Johnny Chiuten '60...

... and Ding Navarro
After graduation from the UP College of Law in 1961 and being published as
having been one of the top 100 to pass the bar exam, Brod Dave, had a
short stint as an appointee to the Judge Advocate Office under the
Macapagal administration. He then joined the Legal Office of the Mayor of
Manila, Antonio “Yeba” Villegas, representing the poor people of Manila
who needed legal assistance. He did this for a couple of years until
Martial Law was declared. Due to political reasons he had to go into
hiding as both of his brothers were incarcerated; in fact, Jun Villegas,
one of our brods and Dave’s blood brother, was tortured during the
He finally migrated to the US with his wife and sons in 1975. Here in
Northern California, Brod Dave made his home and raised his family for the
past 37 years. He worked in the insurance industry and also had a stint as
Ombudsman of the County of San Francisco. His youngest son is a Stanford

Dave was re-introduced to the Chapter by Brod Boy Ramos ’57 and became
active since Tatang’s term in 1999. He is one of the most active elders of
the Chapter and, judging from his record of attendance in both major and
minor gatherings, Dave considers our fraternity among his top priorities
in life -- an exemplary UP Beta Sigman, indeed. Dave is also one the UPBSF-International's
Council of Elders. For many years, he also served as member of the Council
of Elders of UP North.
Dave’s association with UP North would not be properly chronicled without
special mention of his lovely and very talented wife and one time popular
professional opera singer in Manila, Mercy Oria. Ever since Dave became
active, Mercy has graced our gatherings with her powerful and beautiful
singing. Her contribution to the chapter is immense and her patience as
our choir director unfathomable…to say the least. Like Dave she also has
an unrivaled sense of humor AND can hold her own when it comes to
“alaskahan” with the brods, with a glass of Carlos I in hand.

So there you have it. Dave stands tall, at 5’10”, not only the tallest GP
UP North ever had, but tall in experience, “tall” in walking the talk, and
“tall” in sharing his time, talent, and treasure with the one and only
fraternity he truly loves…the UP Beta Sigma.
I asked Dave, what his vision was for the chapter and for the fraternity
as a whole, and this is what he said: “Alam mo brod, I want this to be a
fun administration that is free from worries. The only worry that I will
pay attention to and that we should all pay attention is that our
fraternity continues to thrive in the UP system. That we indeed become THE
My dear brods, please join me in welcoming Brod Dave Villegas as the new
GP of UP Beta Sigma Northern California Chapter.
Cheers! Cheers!
NOTE: The author is the Chairman of UP North Election Committee 2012.
Postscript from the webmaster:
And not too long ago...

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