Hello! Goodbye! Hello!
A Visiting Brod from Down
Under, A Sister's Last Day In Office, and a BRAND NEW YEAR!!!
by Rotsen Lawas '66 UPLB
It took only an e-mail announcement from GP Gerry Abenes, a few days
before the affair, for the UP North Family to instantly gather and party
last December 30, 2011 at his place - to welcome visiting Brod Ed Tadiar (UPD
'71a) and his lovely wife Ging from Adelaide, Australia. It was also an
occasion to celebrate Sis Mercy Villegas' last day in office (following
the wish of Brod Dave?) and to hold the occasion as UP North's Thank You
Party for all the blessings of 2011.

Front: Gabby
Moraleda, Rotsen Lawas and Willy Vergara.
Back: Ernie Tremor, Ike Araneta, Pogs Gaspay, GP Gerry Abenes, Ed Tadiar,
Johnny Regadio,
Boy Ramos and Bill Castro.

l-r: Bobby Gonzalez,
Bill Casto, Ike Araneta and visiting Ed Tadiar from Australia
Perennial host GP Gerry prepared his classy Japanese food to
welcome his "Aussie" uncle, Ed Tadiar
First to arrive at exactly the set time of six pm were the Sacramento
contingent of Tatang, JR, Rotsen and Bill Castro (UPD '71b) to the
surprise of hosts GP Gerry and First Lady Lleva, who, even at the last
minute, were not sure who and how many were coming. But right after the
first arrivals, Brods and Wives and even Families (the Aranetas - Mommy
A. and daughters were a surprise!), just kept coming, everyone eager
to meet and celebrate with the new faces of the night (it turned out to be
a mini-reunion of UPD Batch '71 - Ed T. '71a, Bill C.'71b and long missed
Bobby Gonzales '71c!)
Other attendees include Pogs and May, Eric and Lita, Boy and Irma, Gabby,
Kiko D, Ernem, and Cesar Antonio, who came in last - seventeen brods in
all inspite of the very short notice! "I am truly honored," said Ed Tadiar.

Newest band member
Bill Castro jams with master saxist Kiko Delmendo and guitar whiz Ike

Old Betan stories
never die and always get a good laugh
The Beautiful UP
North Ladies with Ed's wife, Agnes (5th right) and GP Gerry guarding the
Opening up with the traditional Betan toast/chug-a-lug of brandy and wine
spiked with host Gerry's signature Sashimi and lots of potluck food with
smooth jazz music as background (courtesy of Kiko D's sexy sax and Ike A's
classy rhythm), the night went on with endless memories and tales of each
one's college heydays - as only Betans will appreciate and enjoy even if
they are re-told and heard a thousand times - to the amusement of the
ladies and wives who also have their own Betan family stories to share.
Of course, each moment was captured in whatever device anyone had handy
and as shown here, the night was capped by photos of the Family around the
Christmas tree - truly the happy faces show what a blessed 2011 it was for
the UP North Family and a feeling of HOPE for a better 2012!!!

A Happy
and Prosperous 2012 from UP Beta Sigma Northern California !!
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