Honors for Outstanding UP Alumnus
Philanthropy and Agro-Economic
by Winston Acevedo

Brod Dr. Levy del Rosario, UPD'63
Dr. Levy De Jesus Del Rosario, a University of the Philippines, College of
Veterinary Medicine graduate, class of 1967, has made tremendous
pioneering efforts to help increase earning capacities of the local
farmers in Bataan and thus help in the economic progress of Bataan.
Dr. Del Rosario, a full time veterinary practitioner in Schererville,
Indiana, USA, has found time to develop agri-business enterprises in his
home province of Bataan.
Dr. Del Rosario, without any fanfare nor press releases, has achieved
tremendous and meritorious work to better the lives of the poor,
struggling farmers in his home province of Bataan. All of these were done
because of his love and passion for his people, as well as to give back to
the community that nurtured him, many, many years back.
Among his many achievements are the following:
1. His agribusiness provides full, free education for at least 15
children yearly in his province.
2. He cultivates 70 hectares of land for growing, processing of cashew
plants and nuts that provides hundreds of jobs for the local
3. He practices complimentary plant and animal agricultural principles
utilizing his plant by-product for animal foods, which will
provide nutrition for the swine, goats and cattle that he raises around
his cashew plantation.
4. He is constantly seeking new breeds of goats and cattle to improve the
the yield of meat and milk in these species.
5. In a 8-hectare farm, he started a "saba", banana plantation whose
products are processed into banana chips and crackers
providing more jobs and additional income for the local farmers.
6. His business has provided micro-credit with zero interest to workers,
processors and cultivators at harvest time.
7. His livestock provides broilers (chicken meat), pork and venison from
native deer in Bataan.
8. He practices soil and water conservation by planting ipil-ipil, cashew
and coconuts for these plant products to be utilized as
animal food, thereby wasting nothing in the process.
9. All his profits are plowed
back into his various agri-business to support expansion and more
employment opportunities for the
10. Lastly, he sells his products -
pork, broilers, goat meat - at much lower prices than the local markets in
Bataan, thereby making
available affordable sources of protein for the local people.
Dr. Levy Del Rosario is a proud member of the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity.
His untiring efforts to promote economic progress in the Philippines has
been recognized by the University of the Philippines, The College of
Veterinary Medicine, as well as his home province of Bataan. Former Dean
Dr. Teodulo M. Topacio is spearheading the efforts to recognize Dr. Del
Rosario and include him in the group of outstanding UP alumni of the year
2012- 2013.
*Web note: Brod Levy may be reached at his
email at 'ljdvm@hotmail.com' and office tel#

Brod Levy, the proud
father, at the wedding of his son Daniel
l-r: sons Derrick,
Dennis and Daniel, daughter-in-law Monica, wife Josephine MD, Levy
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