Fun, Fun in
by Gerry Abenes
[Photos by Willie Vergara]
It was unseasonably warm for a day in the cusp of April easing into May.
Most of the flowers were on their final moments of proud glory, giving
way to a lush green canopy that heralds the coming of long warm summer
There were tears and sniffles due to pollen drifting
imperceptibly in the lazy breeze, but hardly anyone cared. After a pop of
Claritin, the trade-off for a fleeting allergy loomed larger than ever on
the horizon - loads of food, laughter and drinks galore; beaming brods and
their beautiful spouses whom you haven’t seen in years…or so it seemed.

Warm days are not uncommon in Sacramento, actually, but
warm days in the company of those you like a lot do not come by that
easily. That’s why this particular 28th day of April was
special. It was a day of celebration for brods and spouses who came into
this world on this month and chanced upon the company of Betans in UP
All the way from Modesto to San Jose and San Francisco,
brods and their significant others flocked to Tatang’s Granite Bay
hideaway to feast with the celebrants of April- Tanya A, Anita F, Johnny
Q, Ric V, and Tatang V. A short business meeting to discuss chapter
activities and the upcoming UPAA election briefly interrupted the
celebration, but as customary, the meeting melded effortlessly with the
celebratory mood.

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