Productive Las
Vegas Reunion Results in Snap Election
LAS VEGAS, NV. The 6-man UP Beta Sigma residents of this sleepless Sin
City met for the very first time as a group in the afternoon of October
15, 2011, on the occasion of the visit of Californians Tatang Vergara (who
was having a reunion with his grade school classmates) and Pogs Gaspay ’68
(who was visiting his newly transferred daughter and her family). For many
of us, this event marked the very first time either to meet face-to-face,
or to see each other again after four or more decades. It was a rare and
wonderful occasion where “older” legendary brothers Jesse “Jeje” de la
Santa ‘61 D.V.M., Ben-Hur Aguila ’63, and Eding Hizon ’63, got to know their
younger brods Bubot Morata ‘73b (UP Padre Faura), Edwin Garrido ’78 (UP
Cebu), and Pol Lara ’70 (UP Diliman). We met at the lobby of South Point
Casino, a huge gambling and hotel facility towards the south end of Las
Vegas Blvd. going towards McCarran airport.
Jeje & Nesca de la Santa
Jeje, Tatang Vergara
& Pogs Gaspay
Ben & May Aguila, Nesca, Baba & Eding Hizon, Pogs & Jeje
Pogs, Bubut Morata, Pol Lara & Meng Morata
Pogs, Pol, Tatang, Edwin Garrido & Bubut
What was very evident was that the ladies, who were seated on the other end of the long table, had immediately broken the barriers of age as if they were Betans themselves, and instantly “clicked” and had lots of fun in each other’s company. May Gaspay joined them later in the evening. Before the end of the day, they were to be part of a plan to meet once a month, going around each other’s homes, with Eding as host of the very first home meeting this coming November.
Las Vegas Beauties: Nesca, Baba, May & Meng
Edwin Garrido, M.D. (a wartime front-liner during the late ‘70s) did not escape the Tambayan-type of banters. When Edwin volunteered to be the first host of the monthly meetings, Pogs Gaspay, Ph.D. cut in to say the reason why he wants the gathering in his home is that his wife wanted him to be always within her striking distance, and must have already transformed him from a lion into a mouse. (That was derived from Tatang’s fable about a lion that was turned into a mouse by his tigress-wife after their marriage.)
The highlight of the evening was a snap election that got Ben Hur Aguila to the position of Las Vegas GP, albeit in a non-traditional way. The new GP in Vegas not only means Grand Princep. It also means Grand Palaka, a monicker that has something to do with Ben Hur's storied and colorful past.
A toast to UP Beta Sigma "Sin City" Chapter !!