UPAASF Inducts
2011-12 Officers: A Betan Afternoon
by Gabby Moraleda
[Photos by
Cy Abiog]
Some say good things happen in threes. Such was the occasion last November
21, 2010. It was a 3 in 1 event: the University of the Philippines Alumni
Association of San Francisco (UPAASF) held a Thanksgiving celebration, an
induction of its 2011-12 officers and launched its Mentoring Program at
the Foster City Recreation Center.
For UP Beta Sigmans it was equally a 3 in 1 special Sunday afternoon with
Betan officers inducted namely Gabby Moraleda as President and Manolo
Banzon, Pogs Gaspay and Vic Gacusan as board members, Brod Pogs Gaspay as
the Service and Leadership Awardee and lively Betan music by the Band of
Brothers on their first public appearance.
In attendance were 100 guests of which 30 were Beta Sigmans. Consul
General Marciano Paynor administered the oath of office while the guest
speaker was Dr. Luis Ma. Calingo, Executive Vice President of the
Dominican University and a former staff of Brod Teddy Rey, Jr. at FSDC and
MHS. He encouraged everyone to be a mentor to young Fil-Am kids.
Cy was able to take a few photos. Here are some of them to enjoy.

UP Alumni Association of San
Francisco (UPAASF)

President Gabby Moraleda & Cy Abiog
Service and Leadership Awardee Dr. Pogs & May Gaspay

Dr. Luis Calingo
among Betan friends

Band of Brothers at
Foster City sunset

Band of Brothers play
on as Vic & Nella Gacusan, Boy Ramos & Gene Samson walk in

l-r: ErnieT, WinstonA, GabbyM, JohnnyR, NolB & DingC.
Seated: ErnieT & JohnnyS. Standing: FredA, JohnnyR, Eric & LitaP.

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