UPLB Sigma Beta @ 56: Lavender
Damsels in Campus
by Freddy Fajardo

The fire that burns incessantly within the hearts of all Sigma Betans was
first kindled in Los Banos during the '50's. It was on the 15 of August
1955 that the UP Sigma Beta Sorority Los Banos Chapter was founded.
Sis Cecilia V. Kalaw, then an undergraduate student of the College
of Agriculture, met a Zoology instructor at the same college named
Erlinda Quiaoit, a Sigma Betan from UP Diliman. After being inspired
by the Sigma Betans' commitment to service and excellence, and learning of
the objectives and principles that set the sorority apart from others, Sis
Cely and other women students decided to organize the fold.
Close collaboration with the Diliman sisters prompted the new sisters to
easily process recognition of the new Chapter and to recruit the "cream of
the crop" for members. The U.P. Diliman Sigma Betans played a major role
in the organization of the Los Banos chapter of the sorority.
Corazon Basas-Colanta and Linda Banzon-Madamba, charter
members, recall: "Many UP Diliman Sigma Betans who worked and stayed in
Los Banos lent a significant helping hand in organizing our chapter. Sis
Linda Quiaoit-Lawson was one of the founders and Ludivina Samson-de
Padua assisted us in the documentation process for recognition of our
Officers of the Diliman Sigma Betans led by Sis Sofie Nietes, then
the incumbent Most Idyllic Sister went to Los Banos and inducted us on a
hot afternoon on August 15, 1955. Others worked here in the faculty, and
joined our sorority activities. The rest is history."
Sis Ludivina Samson-de Padua, professor emeritus at UPLB narrates:
"In 1955, I transferred from UP Diliman to Los Banos, and worked as a
staff of the then department of agricultural botany of the UP College of
Agriculture starting 01 August. I was then newly married to a young
instructor at the department of agricultural engineering, and we started
our family in Los Banos.
At this time, I helped the founders of the sorority in the documentation
process that would lead to the recognition of the Los Banos chapter by the
mother organization in Diliman. I also became the ninang of the Banzon
sisters (Linda and Rec) when they were inducted into the sorority."
Sis Venus Joaquin-Calilung joined the faculty of the UP College of
Agriculture's department of entomology as a young graduate from UP Diliman.
Now retired but also a UPLB emeritus professor, Sis Venus has actively
served the UP Sigma Beta Sorority in many ways, but more importantly, as
adviser of the sorority for many of her active faculty years.
Some joined the UPLB faculty and made their career in Los Banos. They were
the late Amparo Goseco-Rigor, Virgie Bedasoa-Fernandez, and
Josefa Sevilla-Eusebio of the department of home technology. Others
who served in the faculty for a few years and moved on were Virgie
Samson-Carino and Jessica Castillo, zoology; Lita Yumol-Vera
Cruz, Lorna Tolentino, Tess Corcuera, Melinda Tria, Elvira Santos-Verano,
humanities; Eppie Cruz-Skinner, chemistry and Conception Batas,

The color of the day
was lavender when the tambayan was decorated with balloons, tarp, and
parabolic tent
on the occasion of
Los Banos Sigma Beta's campus day celebration on 17 August 2011.

Current MIS Rochel
Alejar with dormers and students who were treated to a free lunch at the

A bunch of lavender
damsels in campus

Take your pick of
Sweet Babe, Sugary Babe, Spicy Babe, Starstruck Babe, Sultry Babe,
Smart Babe, Shy Babe,
Statuesque Babe, Scintillating Babe, Stunning Babe, etc.

Sigma Betans with
their invited dormers and students during lunch.

With alumnae sisters
Norms Fajardo, Mace Crehencia, and Mae Jarilla.

Sis Angelina Jolie and Brod Jack Nicholson GP Raymond Juan with Freddy Fajardo and Douglas Mondonedo
Note that there were
no beers on the table but with the lavender damsels around you is enough
to intoxicate your eyes out of its socket.

With the resident

Cheerz to Los Banos Sigma Beta!!
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