UP Beta Sigmans in the News
"Betans Lead The Way"
Eric C. Ines, UPD'69B
General Manager, NAIA
NAIA Gen. Mgr. Eric Ines, standing 3rd from left.
NAIA Gen. Mgr. Eric Ines, rightmost.
Link: https://pia.gov.ph/press-releases/2024/03/18/pbbm-on-manila-airport-rehab-one-great
Danilo Lachica, UPD'71B
President, Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation, Inc. (SEIPI)
Link: https://politiko.com.ph/2024/03/17/4b-investment-deals-secured-by-marcos-in-german-czech-trips
SEIPI Pres. Dan Lachica, 3rd from left.