As UPBSI Prez Jay Jay's rallying cry - "BETANS LEAD THE WAY !!". Putting words into action, Brod Jay Jay Jayme, UPPF'16, President of Pacific Mactan Renewable Environmental Systems, Inc. (PMRESI), his company and the P150 million state-of-the-art investment will cater to all waste being produced at the Mactan Economic Zone (MEZ) and hospital waste in Cebu province. PMRESI is the local counterpart of Canada-based Eneco WTE Pacific Inc., the technology provider. PMRESI will construct, manage and operate the treatment facility whose construction will start this month and will be completed this September. The embedded facility in MEZ 1 will lower the cost of the locators on their waste disposal and treatment fees and more importantly, enhance their compliance with environmental laws.

Link:  https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1963243/cebu/local-news/mez-facility-to-treat-hazardous-waste-of-200-firms-hospital




On another field of technology, Brod Dan Lachica, UPD'71, President of the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation, Inc. (SEIPI), discusses the role of this top export of the Philippines and how it affects the local and global markets. In this recent interview clip with link below (sent to us by his batch mate Ike A), Dan explains the cyclical nature and contractions of the industry and how the Philippine manufacturers and suppliers cope and adjust to the prevailing situations, including the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI).



Link: https://seipiorgph-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/helpdesk_seipi_org_ph/EY2Hc42d2EVEj5yIfzLYgbsBPumuqVbFPO7LpuzlFtevsA?e=0gr4Vj







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