Betan’s new book puts onus on parents, society

by Xlibris Book Publishing


            “The future health of children when they grow to middle age and beyond is determined by the discipline of the parents themselves and how they rear them from the crib to their first 12 years,” says Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, in his fascinating book, Let’s Stop “Killing” Our Children, just released by publisher Xlibris of Bloomington, Indiana, August 25, 2011.


            Dr. Denton A. Cooley, MD, FACS, surgeon-in-chief of Texas Heart Institute, in Houston, where Dr. Chua was trained as a Denton A. Cooley Fellow in Cardiac Surgery, provided the Foreword for the 794-page coffee-table health guide which is expected to stimulate some serious discussions about the role of parents and society as a whole in promoting healthy lifestyle and disease prevention.


            “If our children develop unhealthy habits and behaviors, we, parents, are responsible and to blame, because the basic foundation (good or bad) of these youngsters are formed and developed during these formative years under our care and supervision,” Dr. Chua pointed out in his book.


            The cardiac surgeon author critically noted that “almost all diseases afflicting mankind are self-induced and are, therefore, preventable, including cancer, but most of us seemed to have unwittingly programmed our mindset and behavior to a self-destruct and slow-suicide mode.” This negative surrender and fatalistic attitude are what his book aims to change, states Dr. Chua.


            “Healthy lifestyle and disease prevention do not start when one is a teenager or in the middle age; they start in the womb, and dieting begins in the crib,” goes his innovative advocacy and personal public health campaign for a healthier society. “When we start them on a healthy lifestyle regimen that early, the integrity of their DNA and their general biological development are protected which lower their risk for most diseases, like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, heart disease, stroke, and even cancer,” he stresses in this health manual.


            “We, parents, must learn to say ‘no,’ even if it hurts, and protect our children even from themselves,” admonishes Dr. Chua in his writings, and strongly stressed that society and parents should set good inspiring healthy habits and behaviors for the children to emulate.



            Let’s Stop “Killing” Our Children is available in soft cover, hardback, and e-book format, thru, and in their Book and Search box section. Inquiries may be emailed to







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