Tales from Cebu SOMA & TK Training '07 ...by Freddie Fajardo, UPLB'64
Beer aboard Superferry 12 enroute to Cebu City * My cabin mates GP Jericho Gascon (LB), GP Migs Alo (Dil), and OllieJ
Superferry 12 docks at Cebu Port Brods after taking a swim at the beach a few hours after arrival
Portofino Beach Resort in Lapu-Lapu City- venue of SOMA and Tetada
Kalimasada every morning at 5:00 AM.
Sunrise Tetada Kalimasada practice at Portofino Beach Resort
Brods pose after their jogging, with rainbow in the background
Brods perform Tai Chi
Brod Jopet Laraya'63 conducts arnis training
Brod Jopet and the Brods after the arnis training
Brods with TK National Pelatih OllieJ pose in front of oblation at UP College Cebu during their day tour of Cebu City
Brods practicing in front of Taoist Temple
Brods enjoying their lunch of "pochero" at Abuhan Restaurant and seafoods dinner with one bottle quota of SMB only
JC demonstrates technique to GP Migs Alo The "Tiger" keeps a sharp eye on the Tai Chi form of the Brods
Brod Johnny Chiuten's fast, powerful fist forms, deceptive arm movements are anchored on the philosophical foundation that "force should not be met with force, it should be merely be re-directed".
Brod JC's tough, flexible foot work and quick feet whirling are his trademark and always puts emphasis on the cross stance which is the "mother of all acts".
Tetada Kalimasada and Tai Chi on board Superferry 5 - the first public appearance of the Brods