Rest in Peace Brod Ricardo Abejuela UPLB Beta Sigma, Batch 1954 UPLB Beta Sigma, Grand Princep 1956-57
** Messages...
I was in Nong Ric’s interment. There were flowers offered by the UPBSFAAI, which the family indeed appreciated.
Brod Ric was the first person I met when I arrived in LB in 1955. He was the one who accompanied me to his tailor so that I could have long-pants made. I only had short pants then. He introduced me to other Atenistas and encouraged me to join UPSCA. Many of the UPSCANs were Beta Sigmans. During my second year, Ric invited me to pledge for the Beta Sigma Fraternity. I was reluctant because the entire Quisumbing family are Upsilonians. Ric said he was the GP and would protect me during the initiation period. "Nobody will touch you", he said.
So I eagerly signed the application to be part of Batch 56 Cream of the Crop. I immediately knew I was in big trouble when I heard several masters shouting "saan ba yung pro-protectahan ni Muslim". Ric was from Mindanao so brods called him Muslim. Ric conveniently disappeared. I wanted to quit but after getting the 360 and 180 degree slaps to the face. I knew it was too late to back down. The consequence of Ric's disappearance was a life-changing moment. It made me go through initiation rites and made me proud to become a Betan on my own. As they say, "the harder the strife, the more glorious the triumph".
This is why Brod Ric Abejuela will always be close to my heart forever. He showed me that I can be anybody I want to be through my own efforts.
Cheers, Ed Q, 3-22-09
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:45:33
-0400 Pictures of Brods Ric Abejuela and Mayor Narciso Rubio '56 when I visited them in February of 2007 in Bukidnon on my way to visiting an agricultural research complex I had constructed for the Dept of Agriculture.
Baby & Ric Abejuela, Ed Q, Neil, Neil's wife
Ed Q, Narcing Rubio, Dra. Rubio, Baby & Ric Abejuela
Ric Abejuela, BPI Reseachers, Ed Q, Tony Q
Ric Abejuela'54, UPLB Grand Princep 1956-57 and Ed Quisumbing'56
Hi brod Nes!
Dear Neil, Baby & family:
Thru Brod Angie Angliongto, I got your email address; hence, this email message from one of your Dad's Beta Sigma Fraternity brothers at UPCA, NES GACUSAN - now residing in Marysville OH USA.
Brod Ric Abejuela was one of our adored leaders during our time at UPCA Los Banos (1956-58). He was our 1956 Grand Princep and thru his leadership, our fraternity had a lot of exciting activities and projects that made our Beta Sigma Fraternity well known and revered at the UPCA Los Banos Campus. Many of the Brods have excelled in Campus politics, good academic/scholastic standings and College Extra Curricular activities/programs helping/aiding students and others. Many have succeeded beyond expectations and after graduation, many brods have excelled in their respective careers, locally and internationally.
During our Golden Reunion (Batch 56) in Cebu last February, 2007, we had thought of him (being our Grand Princep in 1956, the year our batch was initiated/inducted into the Fraternity) and missed him utterly then having been informed that Brod Ric had failing health. We had hoped that thru some of our Brods who proceeded to Mindanao were able to see/meet him in Bukidnon for needed inspiration and Fraternal-brotherly love.
As Brod Ric answers the call of the Almighty beyond the grave, we wish him well and to rest in peace eternally.
Our love and prayers go to Baby & Family in their time of sorrow...lifting them up to cling to a greater hope given to us by our Creator above. God bless.
NES GACUSAN (Batch 56), 3-20-09 UPCA Los Banos Beta Sigma Fraternity