When Rolly recently gave me the missing DOB info for the memoriam of one of our remaining Founders, Atty. Ben Arcinas, he mentioned that he had interviewed them some years ago. He had published an article in his regular column at "The Manila Times" about our fraternity saga. I had not read it so he sent me the link. As I know the brods would be interested as well, I asked his permission to reprint it here in our International website's "Memoirs & Reminiscences" section. I have included some photos from the UP Beta Sigma 2006 Golden Anniversary Yearbook and UPBSI website "Memory Lane" section.
-- Norman
My interview with them (Founders/Elders) at UP Hotel around 2015
L-R: Jacinto Mantaring'47, Gregorio Abreu'46, Ben Arcinas'46, Fausto Manalili'49, Rolly Reyes'66 and Ted Topacio'49.
[In this picture, only Founder Gregorio Abreu is still living and with us.]
" I also learned that the 'Founders' were the original ones - Rico, Jayme,
Wico, Cosio, Arcinas, etc.
The first and second batches initiated (1946) were called 'Founding
Fathers.' " -- Rolly Reyes
From UP Beta Sigma 2006 Golden Anniversary Yearbook
*Note: Abreu, Gregorio is missing from this list.
[Refer to U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity Unified Directory: Updated 5-06-2020]
From UPBSI Memory Lane I
Seated: Romeo "Romy" Kahayon, Deciderato "Taruc" Aquino, Benedicto "Ben" Arcinas, Telesforo "Puring" Ramos,
Prof. Tio David Wico and Jesus "Jesse James"Jayme.
Standing: Manuel Escaler, Roberto Macasaet, Francisco Gonzales IV and unidentified.
[Note: names provided by Dr. Ted Topacio on 4-01-10.]
"The Men in White"
U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity Diliman, President Manuel AliƱo, 1950-1951
Resident members: Law 29; BusAdm 11; Eng'g 2; VetMed 15; Medicine 26; Music 1; Dentistry 16; Liberal Arts 63. *Total 163.
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