"Grand Elder" Narcing Lapuz, UP Beta
Sigma '48
by Willie Vergara

One of the Betan titans, Narcing Lapus turns 87 on October 29 just three
days younger than Founder Rico Arranz . The oldest living Betan outside of
the Philippines, Narcing ,who brought fire and fervor to UP Beta Sigma for
more than 60 years, truly deserves to be called a grand elder anywhere in
the world where there are Betans. Until age caught up with him, he was
super-active and attended most of the activities in Northern California.
In fact, he nurtured a three-decade long “frat ball attendance contest”
with Brod Norman Bituin ’65. Both Narcing and Norman had been consistently
attending this major frat activity in both UP South and UP North year in
and year out since 1983, when the first fraternity ball was held in San
Francisco, California. Obviously, Narcing didn’t understand the word
“rest”. On account of a health issue that is normal among folks of his age
only then was he forced to default the last fratball in Los Angeles in
September 2012.

Narcing’s stint as a professional and a UP student can be described as
"Full of Firsts." He was the very first Vet Med Beta Sigman in UP,
steadfastly refusing to join that older Greek letter society. Undaunted in
his efforts to grow his frat, this first Vet Med Betan eventually
organized the Beta Sigma in his college. He was responsible for getting
the first Vet Med candidate to run for the highest post in the UP Student
Council and became a Student Council representative himself. It just have
been reputation as an excellent person that enabled him to recruit into
the fraternity his senior and batch mate, now National Scientist Dean Ted
Topacio. He later organized the UPSCA Vet Med Chapter - another first. He
was no doubt a big man on campus, and a proven leader. He occupied many
other responsible positions in the university. He was officer of the UP
Vanquard. He was among those who chartered Los Banos Beta Sigma during the
time of then President Manuel Alino in 1951. He occupied several posts in
the frat, and was Brod Pio de Roda's Vice President. (Did you know that we
didn't call the head as GP during those years?) He later passed the Board
in 1953 - as topnotcher. Being "first" became Narcing's habit, even after
college. He was the first Filipino Vet to pass the California State Board
exams. In 1956, he was the first Filipino MPH in America, having acquired
this degree in UC Berkeley. He was one of the first who put up the
Filipino Center in Stockton.
Indubitably, Narcing is one of Beta Sigma’s greats. As a UP Betan in
California, he has seen the evolution of the fraternity in his own State,
particularly in Northern California – from birth and formation, to periods
of tension, skirmishes and struggles, polarization, to several years of
dormancy and lethargy, to its revival in the late 90s, and to reaching out
to other UP Betans through the establishment of UP Beta
Sigma-International for which he himself is one of the founders. In every
stage until these past few years, Narcing had always been around to
provide insight, inspiration, prudence, moral and material support,
encouragement, principle-centered leadership and wisdom. In the year 2008,
under the term of then UP North Grand Princep Bong Beredo, Narcing was
honored with a solid gold frat pin during a blindfold ceremony in
celebration of his unstinting service, dedication and loyalty for sixty
Diamond years. Surely, his chapter misses his wise counsel now that he has
not been so available.


Narcing is what some people may call
as an “old soul”, visibly quite unaffected by today’s materialism. He
lives a simple life in spite of all the opportunities before him arising
from his sterling career. He could easily become among America’s “one
percent”, but he has chosen to charge modestly for his services so that
even animal lovers below the middle class could afford him. He has earned
admiration and respect not only among his fraternity brothers and his
colleagues in his profession, but also in his own community and his
Married to Gertrudes “Tuding” De Jesus, he begot a son and a daughter:
Francis, who finished his Veterinary Medicine degree at the UC-Davis and
Anna Marie, a B.S. in Rhetoric and Communication also in UC-Davis. Francis
is now in charge of their family-owned Northgate Pet Hospital, with his
dad, Narcing doing part-time work. Anna Marie, with her graduate work in
screenplay writing at UCLA has been working in Hollywood. Narcing's eldest
child, Natalia from marriage to his first wife who died after giving birth
to her, earned her B.S. and MBA degrees from the University of Las Vegas.
She now works at Health Net as a government contractor. As if it was a
fulfillment of all his dreams, in March 2013, Narcing finally got his
grandest-- a most precious and only one, beautiful granddaughter by the
name of Abigail! Said he jokingly yet beaming with pride and joy, "Masarap
pala yung magka-apo ng babae sa anak mong babae."


Following is the last part of Narcing’s speech in Sacramento, on the
occasion of
UP North’s 24th Anniversary:
“As in Frank Sinatra’s song, I
am now in the autumn of my years. And in all these years, I have come to
realize that this Fraternity Pin is not computed in terms of money, but in
the things I had to do in order to deserve it. Having been in the thick of
things since the fraternity’s early years, allow me to share with you my
I want to preface this portion of my speech by saying that dreams come
true only when they are made; and in our case, if they are made with all
of us flying in one direction. Walang mangyayari kung kanya-kanyang lipad.
I dream … I dream of a Million Dollar Fraternity. I am not even talking
about winning the lotto, but if we do, then we can only thank the One
Above for making possible what is almost impossible. It is about our
ability to focus, to pool our resources, to walk our talk, to contribute
until it hurts. It is about tapping the financial genius among our ranks,
belief in our capacity to set aside some of our frivolities today to be
able to leave a strong legacy tomorrow. If we become a Million Dollar
frat, other dreams will easily come true – a frat house for instance, a
dream which I devoutly share with our Los Banos brothers. If we become a
Million Dollar Beta Sigma, our vision that "No Betan stands alone" will
become a reality at all times, in all corners of the world. If we reach a
Million Dollars, then it will be easy to generate the next Million, and
thereby allow us to do many things for the good of humanity.
I dream of forging more partnerships among all Chapters towards noble
endeavors while standing on a strong financial base, without sacrificing
our patrimony, meaning, without sacrificing standards, uniqueness and
traditions of our respective universities.
I dream of a strong and viable network and concerted efforts to bring us
nearer to the vision we’ve set in 2001 --- A Fraternity of Choice in all
UP Campuses.
And finally, I dream that from these residents of highest caliber, future
top leaders will emerge in government and business who will sincerely
serve and work not for their own selves but towards the upliftment of the
poor and the production of the country’s wealth.

In conclusion, this old man has the
following words to declare. I am a Beta Sigman and proud of it. This
Fraternity Pin that I wear has become an important part of me. In all my
years as a UP Betan, I have tried, like most of you in this hall, to
uphold the principles, values and practices that this beloved Pin
represents – a passion for excellence, joy in having to help a brother in
need, sincere feeling of pain for a grieving brod or family of a brod,
respect for human dignity that includes all Betans regardless of chapter
or school affiliation, and most of all, LOVE …. Love, in the order of our
priorities: Reverence to our God. Loyalty to our Country. Utmost Caring
for our Family. Living up to the standards of our University. And finally,
Service to our Fraternity.
It is particularly humbling to see what Narcing had done, the level he
brought this fraternity to, as an important icon in the UP Beta Sigma
Northern California community. Someone who has the commitment and the
drive to nurture and keep alive an organization for a very long time is a
rare and very specifically gifted individual. Every Filipino, most
especially those who have migrated to some other country should really be
proud of Narcing. Cheers to a great and proud UP Betan. And a grand elder
at that.


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