by: JJ Jayme, Feb 14, 2023

Recruitment has been a nagging issue faced by the fraternity for sometime now. Action must be taken to address this pressing problem.

In response to dwindling membership in UP core campuses, the board of UPBS International held a zoom meeting on December 18, 2022 with the UPBS resident Grand Princeps of Diliman, Los Banos, Baguio, Visayas, and Mindanao, and the UPBS International Board. Also present was brod Ivan Fojas, President of UP Central.

It was reported that out of the 5 UP Campuses, Los Baños numbers are better than the rest and its programs are pretty much in place. However other campuses, specially Diliman, have dismal numbers – down to extinct levels – that recognition of the fraternity has been withheld by the University as a result of this.

The meeting discussed in broad strokes what must be done to pump up recruitment – cognizant the student ecosystem then is different from what it is now. Surely worlds apart, hence the recruitment strategies will be different, even from campus to campus.

The key points discussed were:

I. Participation of the Alumni Groups.

1) CENTRAL & INTERNATIONAL will nurture, exchange ideas and evolve precise, time-bounded creative/scientific solutions to address the issue, making sure there is no duplication – and that there is synergy in our efforts.

2) Since CENTRAL by default/distance is most accessible to the residents, it is expected to be the channel of support from INTERNATIONAL and that programs will be submitted to CENTRAL for discussion and green lighted by them before implementation to avoid redundancy.

3) INTERNATIONAL will, on the other hand, develop long-term institutional programs and will submit to CENTRAL for further discussion. The plan will include doing a research study which will establish the benchmark on where we are, what the challenges we face, what are our options are and suggest best practices we can adopt.


 At least two (2) working groups in INTERNATIONAL, on their own initiative, have submitted their versions of a recruitment program that we can review, rollout soon and test in a few months, just in time for the upcoming 2023-24 registration in Diliman. Details to follow.

II. Buy-in from the Residents is needed.

1) The plans and projects must have an arm and a leg. These must be provided for by the residents including other affiliate Beta Sigma groups – like the Ladies Corps and Sigma Beta.

III. It will need resources.

1) Funding is needed, vital for the work that will be done.

2) Several brods have already committed to this end. Hopefully, many more – for the future is at stake and -- we cannot fail.

Overall, the board was optimistic we can rebuild in 2 years – or at the very least, we have laid out a pathway to growth.



Lunch at University Hotel with UPD residents

L-R: Joshua Alberto UPD'19, Nilo Espino UPD'79, Diliman GP Vaughn Cruz UPD'17 and  Jay Jay Jayme UPPF'16.


Hosting dinner for CENTRAL President Ivan Fojas to discuss recruitment strategies/programs

L-R: Edson San Juan UPB'16,  Jay Jay Jayme UPPF'16, Rod Liggayu UPB'82 and Ivan Fojas UPLB'91.


"We discussed and agreed that both Central and International must and will work together and synergize."

"BROD Rod Liggayu arrived 2 days ago from Edmonton.
BROD VP Nilo Anthony Espino of UPBS Int'l leaving this Wed 2/13/23 back to Toronto.

BROD Nilo Anthony composing the long term strategy for recruitment."






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