From: Noli Nolasco <>
Date: Mon 4/2/2018 5:45 AM
To: International (;UPBSI 2016-18-BOD-up-beta-sigma-international (

Easter greetings of joy, prosperity and love to all Brothers in the spirit of true kinship and Brotherhood. Since the New Year, I have been struggling with my physical condition although I am not making this an excuse for this late UPBSI Report.

We are in for another year facing old challenges and as well as new ones. With all of us giving our share in strengthening our brotherhood, we will not only hurdle these challenges but also take advantage of opportunities as new developments unfold. The latest of such opportunity is that the effect of the 12K will have lasted and new freshmen will be getting into our campuses again.

I am herewith submitting my 2017 Report as your President. Before that, however, may I ask you to look over the attachment to see if you need to update your membership for the year. This is a year where you will again elect your leaders, and to be given the right to vote, you have to send in your membership dues either to any of our Treasurers:

FOR PAYMENTS IN THE US ($15 per annum):
Brod Roy Antonio – pay to UP Beta Sigma International
The Bank of Hemet / Account # 143257001
3715 Sunnyside Drive

Brod Raffy Hidalgo
Banco de Oro RAFAEL ROBERT HIDALGO C.A. # 00345800136

My report will show you that we have been extremely modest in the use of your membership fees, relying largely on donations in kind and in cash from many of our members. It will also show you that we were able to undertake activities mostly related to our vision of being considered as the Fraternity of Choice. While we have made strides this year towards that direction, we must admit that the journey is still long and arduous. This only means that there ought to be more and more alumni brothers – in the Philippines and abroad - getting immersed in our efforts to keep us closer to our vision.

During the past year, our partnership with Central UP Beta Sigma Fraternity has been productive in pushing through with our various projects. Thus, some of the things reported here are a result of that partnership.


First and foremost, a series of seminars ranging for 2 to 3 days were conducted in all five (5) campuses. This was a sequel to the Resident Workshop held the year before as part of our

Platinum year festivities. This time, it was a more in-depth seminar-workshop, the OBJECTIVE of which was to empower our residents with knowledge, attitude and skills in response to the changing environment in our campuses.

This seminar was a fitting kick-off for UPBSF Central’s series of seminars planned by The UP Beta Sigma Center of Excellence under the stewardship of President Joel Paredes. Aside from what has been mentioned, it is hoped that the attendees have gained basic learning to be good students and fraternity members and later become productive and successful citizens of the country. But as they say, “Rome was not made in a single day.” This means that we have to create more leaders and conduct more training programs in order to make use of this investment of training our young members.

Over-all Course Director/Facilitator was Brod Willie “Tatang” Vergara (UPBSI Coordinator, Task Force on Resident Affairs), ably supported by seasoned speakers, as follows: Brods Secretary Victor Ramos (international speaker), Freddy Fajardo, Danny Lachica (international speaker), Dave de la Torre (international speaker) and Randy Malayao (international speaker). Our Course Director, who himself had been conducting such seminars for banks, soft drinks companies, professional associations, civic and religious groups, etc. had earlier shared with you copies of feedback from participants that showed the seminars were excellent in most dimensions. However, rated “average” or “3” was “time management” because of the long hours and short breaks. For particulars, visit our website and read three articles about this in Features 39.

Financially, these seminars were made possible courtesy of very supportive brods who financed the seminar/workshops and also in partnership with our UP Beta Sigma Central. As approved by the Board of Directors, UPBSI funds coming from membership fees was a only PhP14,250 compared to the total amount raised – PhP211,830 – for this project involving all campuses. Our Central UPBSF chipped in with PhP20,000. Brod Boyet Fernandez also returned the PhP50,000 donation of Brod Tatang to The Good and Noble Fund for this project.

There were many other donors, as follows:
-- Brod Mayor Lito Tadena P50,000
-- Brod Jayjay Jayme P20,000
-- Brod Kim Cabatit P10,000 (personal donation over and above Central UPBSF)
-- Brod Pastor Rod Reyes P 7,500 (converted from USD)
-- Brod Benjamin Bing Garcia P 5,000
-- Brod Jito Arreza P 5,000
-- Brod Bong Beredo P 5,000
-- Brod Joey Onias P 5,000
-- Brod Danny Lachica P 5,000
-- Brod Randy Malayao P 5,000
-- Brod Ike Araneta P 5,000
-- Brod Jojo Alejar P 5,000
-- Brod Ding Canave P 2,500
-- Brod Angie Angliongto P 2,000

There were other minor alumni donors from the local chapters, namely, the UP Beta Sigma Alumni Associations of UP Baguio, UP Visayas, and UP Mindanao. Many of such donations took the form of UPBSI membership fees that are managed by the respective associations for the sole purpose of supporting resident projects in the different campuses. Thus, there are a few unspent cash balances that are being kept by local fund handlers, specifically Brod Dennis Liggayu of UP Baguio and Brod Bimbo Yap of UP Mindanao.

A financial statement of this project was submitted earlier by Seminar/Workshop Director to Auditor Brod Alfredo Young, PhD, who gave it a clean bill insofar as figures of the receipts and expenses. The statement earlier submitted to the entire membership shows that an amount of P17,011.42 excess of receipts over expenses. This money is currently in the hands of Brod Kiko Delmendo and is about to be deposited to our Banco de Oro account managed by Philippine Treasurer Raffy Hidalgo.

We also have to mention those brothers who have in significant ways helped in the successful execution of the seminar/workshops:
-- Brod Alexis “Dogs” Dogwe Venue and lodging arrangement (free!), transpo support, food arrangement, planning support
-- Brod Jojo Alejar Transpo arrangement - UPLB
-- Brod Henry Adornado, PhD Free seminar venue at Forestry
-- Brod Dennis Liggayu UP Baguio venue arrangement and seminar support
-- Brod Dave de la Torre UP Baguio transpo support and venue preparations
-- Brod Ace Locara UP Visayas transpo support
-- Brod Marv Aranjuez UP Visayas venue and accommodations
-- Brod Carter Constantino UP Visayas alumni support
-- Brod Yuls Alama UP Visayas resident morale support
-- Brod Angie Angliongto UP Mindanao hosting and alumni support
-- Brod Ding Canave UP Mindanao alumni support
-- Brod Bing Garcia UP Mindanao alumni support
-- Brod Bimbo Yap UP Mindanao alumni support

Another big take-out from these seminars is the increased involvement by alumni brods in the localities in support of residents as in the case of UP Baguio, UP Visayas and UP Mindanao. In the case of UP Baguio, for instance, many UPB alumni have linked up with the remaining residents to give more energy to our recruitment efforts. Thanks to the dynamic duo of Brod Dave de la Torre and Brod Dennis Liggayu.


Another area of UPBSI and UPBSF Central was in the area of campus elections, specifically in supporting the following candidates during the first half of 2017. Totally, our point Brod Dogs

Dogwe reported total receipts of P95,000. Of this amount, UPBSI and individual donors turned over P51,250. On account of modest spending by our young Brod Dogs, he turned over to Brod Tatang Vergara the unspent amount of P14,250 for the above-mentioned seminar /workshops – with the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors. You will see detailed reports from our two Treasurers their financial report.

UPBSI/UPBSF Central supported several candidates.

For UP Diliman, only Brod Lee de la Torre was able to make it to the Student Council, while two brods did not make it. Much of the amount went to the campaign of LC Shari Oliquino. While she did not make it as Vice-Chair of the Student Council, LC Shari would later be chosen as a Student Regent as her capability for leadership showed during the campaign period. Expected to win was Brod Joshua Balinas but did not make it due to late maneuverings – a valuable political strategy lesson for the Brods. For UP Baguio, three LCs ran and only one won. BOD Dennis Belmonte reported a total expense of P5,000 for UPB. According to Dennis, the remaining amount of P2,000 given to UP Baguio will remain in their local funds to support a co-sponsored project of our winning candidate, Cielo Marie Esmeria. In UP Los Banos, our lone candidate Brod Cyrus Digma handily won a seat. We did not field any candidate in UP Visayas and UP Mindanao (with the latter currently struggling with only two resident members.)

It is always nice to know that many Brods have come out to support our candidates, as follows:
-- Orlino Ancheta P100
-- Ike Araneta 50
-- Rod Reyes 50
--Tatang Vergara 25
-- Yay Topacio 25
-- Aman Carolino 25
-- Ernesto Igot 25
-- Bong Beredo 25
-- Art Martin 25
-- Ed Rivera 25
-- Fred Aquino 25

All these donations were included in the pool of UPBSI (P30,000 – Board Approved) and UPSF Central, with a grand total of P97,000 as reported by BOD Brod Alexis “Dogs” Dogwe.

On March 30, 2017, Brod Dogs Dogwe reported the following:

Please see summary of expenses below. All figures pertain to UPBSI funds.

  o Receipt P51,250

  o Disbursed

  o Diliman P25,000

  o Los Banos 5,000

  o Baguio 7,000

  o Total P37,000

  o Balance P14,250 -> Turned over to Brod Tatang intended for the seminar


Courtesy of our ever-dedicated Webmaster Norman Bituin, our website has now more than 113,000 hits. A lot of the website updates during the past year were about the passing of our brothers and sadly, more since the beginning of 2018. All these updates have been done pro-bono et amore by our beloved Norman, who has himself contributed to the articles especially on his many travels. Many brods who have gone, and intend to go, to those places have expressed much appreciation to his Travelogue portion.

Our website is also a permanent archive where our postings in more than a decade can be retrieved at will. Each one is invited to contribute to our history by submitting pictures or articles. For those who haven’t navigated our website, you will find several areas of interest and opportunities to contribute. For instance, our website has the following sections:

Milestones, that include Additions in your family, Nuptials, Honors and Awards, such as career movements, sports competition, etc.

Grandkids – and the one who is recorded to have the most grandkids thus far is Brod Bernie Bantegui.

Art Works – You need not be a Banz, Ely Santiago or a Boy Luna to post your artworks.

Memoirs and Reminiscenses – Share your old pics with brods, but please chose the ones that will build up our image i.e. avoid those old initiation pictures.

Memorabilia – old posters, stickers, keychains, etc.

Environmental Awareness (includes environmental protection) – We have many brods who have and currently involved in environment. You are invited to submit articles and pictures.

Travelogue – You can guide Brods into places you’ve visited, or remind them our specific places you’ve visited yourself. So far we have only 16 Brods who have contributed to this section. Let’s hear from more of you.


Canada-based Brod Edwin Acuna has been working on this for some time with the assistance of other brods and may now be viewed at our Directory portion of the website. I would like to quote here the report of Brod Edwin:

It contains the names, the chapter where initiated, of all members of the U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity, of its five chapters - Diliman (1946), Los Baños (1950), Baguio (1977), Visayas (1989), and Mindanao (1998).

I made a slight change in the middle of 2017. Instead of working on a directory, I opted to do a "roster" instead, in view of the opinion that a directory requires information from the brods that they may find very private, to be specific: telephone number, email address, and birthday.

The roster contains only the following information: Name, U.P. chapter and year initiated. That is all.

To date the following chapters need to update their roster:

Los Baños - new members initiated in 2016 and 2017

Visayas - 2017, if any

Mindanao - from its founding year 1998 to 2017.

Both Diliman and Baguio are updated through 2017.

In view of this, I enjoin both the Director assigned to the chapter and the resident Grand Princep concerned of the above-mentioned chapters to assist me and Brod Lionel Latoja (D'75C), that is, to submit the years they have to update, to us as very soon as possible. Special mention is the Mindanao chapter.

The directory project shall remain an "ongoing project". The information shall be populated as we voluntarily received such from the brods, and the file shall remain with me and Brod Lionel's custody for security reasons.”

A copy of the roster is with Brod Norman Bituin (D'65) and is now published at a protected portion of our website, which means the need for a password to access the information.



An overall financial statement will be submitted soon by our two Treasurers Roy Antonio and Raffy Hidalgo.

During my term, we have drastically reduced our membership fee in order to make it reachable to as many brods as possible. This was also made possible by our successful transformation from a corporation to an association, thereby easing our annual overhead expenses because we no longer have to spend $1,000 per annum.

On my first year as President, we were able to break our membership payment record, with a total of 216 members remitting their annual fees. At the start of this year, with only more than

50 Brods paid so far, we have so much to catch up on. To see if you need to update your membership fees, please see the attached EXCEL REPORT on membership.

BROTHERS, KINDLY PLEASE REMIT YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES SOONEST. I know we have been quite good in catching up with payments. This is a year where we again have to vote for our leaders. Per our Constitution and ByLaws, the election process starts in April this year. Only members of good standing will be allowed to vote, and those who have paid for at least two years will be qualified to be candidates for the Board of Directors.

Just for emphasis, you may remit your fees to the following:

FOR PAYMENTS IN THE US ($15 per annum):

Brod Roy Antonio – pay to UP Beta Sigma International
The Bank of Hemet / Account # 143257001
3715 Sunnyside Drive

Brod Raffy Hidalgo
Banco de Oro RAFAEL ROBERT HIDALGO C.A. # 00345800136


My term ends by the end of June this year. I shall have served a full two terms, plus another six months as your Interim President. We have done much together, and I hope that I will continue to enjoy your support (over and above payment of dues), in the following projects:

1. Follow-up seminars to the series of seminars on Basic Leadership and Empowerment conducted in July and August last year. Such seminars should however be coordinated with our Central’s Beta Sigma Center of Excellence. Focus shall be on recruitment and preparation for the next Academic Year, where the effects of the K12 shall have diminished.

2. Support initiatives such as peace promotion and collaboration with other fraternities in varied endeavors that help our University.

3. Support socially-oriented programs of other groups with the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity, such as medical missions and environmental programs.

4. Finish the International Roster.
5. Coordination and monitoring by the campus Ninongs and their respective local alumni network as well as more frequent interactions by our local chapter with our residents.

For a greater UP Beta Sigma Fraternity.

Noli H. Nolasco'62B
UPBSI President

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