A Message from Brod Mel Gulfin & Family
Beloved Brods and Family,
Christmas time last year was a very trying time for us being separated from our loved ones and facing an uncertain future. This year, however, we are celebrating Christmas and the holiday season with each other and with our family. What a great blessing! This became possible because of the goodness of our Lord and because of your intercessory prayers for which we will always be grateful. God is really good! Not only did He answer all your prayers, our family and friends’ prayers! He also showed us how much He loved us through your love and support --- the visits, the letters, the raffle that yielded a substantial amount for our legal fees! You showed us the real meaning of brotherhood. Thank you for making us feel your love. We pray to God that we will someday be afforded the opportunity to reciprocate it and to show you how much we appreciate every show of concern and affection that you extended to us.
The New Year, 2007, is about to bow in. May it bring to each one of you and the persons you hold dear in your hearts all the blessings that will allow you to savor a meaningful and fulfilling life. While the next twelve months may be uncertain, we can only be optimistic and hope for the best because while we may not know what the future holds, we know who holds the future. Yes, Someone “loves us so much that He gave His only Son to die for us so that whoever will believe in Him will not perish but have an everlasting life”. It is THAT SOMEONE who holds our future.
A blessed Christmas and a great new year to you all!
Mel and Beybs Gulfin and Family