One Heck of a Christmas Party in Northern California
by Brod Bong Beredo UPD'73
Amidst the backdrop of the Paradise Valley Golf Club and the foothills of Fairfield in the background, with the spirit and scent of Christmas in the air, the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity Northern California Chapter held its annual Christmas party last December 2. Unlike in previous years, this Christmas party was held at lunch time, giving Brods and their partners a longer period for fellowship and camaraderie.
At the Golf Course
Early Birds
Gene_New Member Gene&Co
Even a Brod whom we missed for a decade now, Joe Gomez ‘55, came to celebrate Christmas with the Betan family. It was a pleasant surprise to see so many Brods and their spouses/partners arriving in droves, (too many to mention all the names here, but they are seen in at least one of the photos) some of them bringing gifts for our raffle prizes and parlor game winners. GP Boy Ramos also came with wife Irma in spite of a jetlag due to a long flight from the Philippines.
JoeGomez_FelixV IrmaRamos_Pascuals
Small Group Pics
Mercy’s Song Ike and Babes
To formally kick off the program, our very own diva Sis Mercy Villegas sang a beautiful song for the Betan family. This set the spirit of the season with everybody joyfully and heartily singing Christmas carols while Brods Ike Araneta and Babes Ignacio provided the accompaniment.
Caroling Photos
Dancing followed. But the one who stole the show was the little boy Christopher Torneros, who surprised everybody including his parents Alan and Raquel that he is perhaps either a Michael Jackson or Gary V potential. He got Sis Mercy and Brod Sitong dancing with him, too.
Chris Torneros
Group Photos
Group Kodakan
'til next year !!!