Mindanao Alumni Chapter
Introducing: Brod Dr. Eufemio "Dong" Rasco, Jr., PhD UP Los Banos, Batch 1967 Counselor, UP Beta Sigma Los Banos 1974-1975 Past President, UPBSFAAI Los Banos Chapter . Words from... - Anggie Angliongto Yes! Brod Dong is a TOYM awardee! When U.P. Mindanao was newly opened in 1995, he was the first Dean of the U.P. Mindanao College of Math and Science. Brod Ed Quisumbing knows him better that I do.
- Ed Quisumbing Dong is our brod. He graduated magna cum laude, major in animal science but was not hired by the animal science department because his thesis criticized the department's research as irrelevant to the country's needs. I hired him and convinced him to shift to the plant sciences. He got his MSc major in plant physiology under my tutelage and a PhD from Cornell majoring in plant breeding. He later returned to UPLB and ended up as director of the Institute of Plant Breeding. He is a TOYM and a die-hard Betan. He now heads the agricultural college (department?) at UP Mindanao.
** Recent article, news item regarding Brod Dong's scientific work
*Web note: Brod Dong Rasco is the 2008 winner of the prestigious National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Outstanding Book Award.
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