UPLB Centennial Rodeo 2009

by Freddy Fajardo, UPLB'64



A handful of UPLB alumni rodeo teams were present during the UPLB Centennial Rodeo held last March 9 to give an exhibition at the Animal and Dairy Sciences Cluster rodeo corral.  Due to his late arrival, Brod Steve Ternura was not able to give an exhibition in calf wrestling and bull whipping.


 Brod Freddy approaches the cattle ala Johnny Chiuten stance prior to lassoing in the casting down of cattle event.


 Brod Freddy prepares to lasso the animal . Note the almost perfect loop of the lasso- hindi pa laos!


                 Finally after being lassoed and applying a single hitch method in casting down, the animal is restrained

                by tying both the hind and fore legs. L-R: Ben Manalo, legman (Rarebreed '75); Brod Freddy, tailman

               (Tumbleweeds '74); Art Villamor, headman (Ramblers '77); and Tony Zuniega, legman (Mavericks '80).


The Tumbleweeds Cowboys (L-R): Brods Freddy, Herbert Ticzon, Manny Castor, Emivoie Roman and Uly Lustria.



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