UPLB Brods and Sis present rock concert by Freddy Fajardo, UPLB'64
Once again,
the UPLB Resident Brods and Sis presented a rock concert for the new
freshmen last July 10, 2008 at the Seniors' Social Garden. Dubbed as the
"School of Rock", the concert was coordinated by the UP Tumbleweeds and NU
107. Other sponsors were: Smart Bro, Clear and Bacchus. It featured two of
the hottest rock bands in the country today: Urbandub and
Sandwich. Other bands performed, including Dwinde where Brod Jojo Criador's
son, Hugo of South Hill HS, plays rhythm guitar.
UPLB Seniors' Social Garden - the venue of the concert
Brods and Sis selling tickets for the concert ... and merrily keeping watch at the entrance
Sis Cheska greets every concert goer with a winsome smile MIS Mace Crehencia & GP Third La Guardia
Play, one of front act bands Nyctinasty, an all female rock band
Hugo Criador (far right), son of Brod Jojo Criador, plays the rhythm guitar for Dwinde from South Hill High School in Los Baņos
One of the country's two top rock bands, Urbandub
The country's other top rock band, Sandwich