Seven UPLB Brods Recipients of BBB Scholarship for Second Semester AY2008-2009 By Tomsak Criador
January 14, 2009 (Wednesday), 7.30pm during the regular monthly mass meeting at the Brain Train Lecture Hall, Demarses Subdivision, Grove, Los Banos, Laguna
In the presence of alumni Brods Wow Protacio, who replaced Nestor Baguinon as Adviser, Tomsak Criador and 26 UPLB resident members, seven (7) brods were awarded Big Brothers’ Bounty (BBB) scholarships that will cover the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2008-2009. The semestral scholarship grants amount to USD250 or PhP11,500 per recipient. The lucky and deserving recipients are: Jek Cabuguason'04d (VetMed), Jerico Gascon'04c (BS AgChem), Verman Guevara'05b (VetMed), Leo Angelo Perez'08c (BS Civil Engineering), Neil Garret Sumagang'03e (BS Chem Engineering), John Andrew Tornea'06g (BS Forestry), and Oca Violeta'06b (BS Human Ecology).
The alumni brods gave a brief pep talk to the residents. Tomsak emphasized the objective of this grant (help a Brod in need, excel in academics and recruit more new members). He also imparted to them the desire of the elders in general and BBB in particular for them to have good grades, graduate on time, and in the future have good jobs, be active in the alumni association and join BBB. Grand Counselor Wow compared the grant to the other university scholarships and said that BBB is one of the better ones since other scholarships receive less than P5k. He added that the BBB grantees are luckier as there are not too many impositions and requirements compared to the others, and that a way to reciprocate is for these grantees to excel in their academics.
L-R: Tomsac Criador'81, Jek Cabuguason'04d (DVM), Grand Counselor Wow Protacio'74e, GP Third La Guardia'04c
John Andrew Tornea'06G (BS Forestry)
Neil Garret Sumagang'03e (BS Chem Engineering)
Jerico Gascon'04c (BS AgChem)
Leo Angelo Perez'08c (BS Civil Engineering)
Oca Violeta'06b (BS Human Ecology)
Verman Guevara'05b (DVM) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"The Magnificent Seven" (of BBB)
P.S. Dorbs -
ask your dads about the movie...
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