THE HERITAGE PROJECT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (For any questions, please contact Brod Cris Michelena thru ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. The Heritage Circle Membership (for PhP 25,000, or US$ 500) Members will get the following: 1.1 A copy each of The Heritage Book and The Jubilee Yearbook 1.2 A complete set of Diamond Jubilee tickets to all the Jubilee Events in Manila 1.3 A complete set of Jubilee Wearable Souvenirs 1.4 A full year's subscription to the Betan Online Newsletter 1.5 A frameable, signed Heritage Circle Certificate 1.6 Inclusion in the list of The Heritage Circle (an independent chapter in The Heritage Book and its accompanying Jubilee Yearbook) 1.7 Member's signature in The Heritage Book book lining 1.8 A CD of our Betan Songs (Hymn, Cheers!, Sweetheart & others) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2. Advertorials For Brods To commemorate the 4606 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, an 8.5 x 11 inches, full-color YEARBOOK will be published where our Definitive History will be set forth. To defray costs, the book will be open for ADVERTORIAL PLACEMENTS from individual brods, or batches, or chapters, whole families, and even friends (but always through a Brod). AD LAYOUTS/PRICES/SUBMISSIONS (LAYOUT SERVICES ARE FREE! Just send materials with your reservations thru: Attn: Brod Cris Michelena)
2.1 Back Cover....... (for PhP 40,000 or US$ 800)
2.1 Full Page....... (for PhP 15,000 or US$ 300)
2.2 Half Page....... (for PhP 10,000 or US$ 200)
2.3 Double Spread.......
(for PhP 30,000 or
US$ 600)
For the Memories
To allow more brods to own the printed memorabilia of the
60th, the following
offering is made:
3.1 Complete Heritage 2-Book Set.......
PhP 3,000 or US$ 60)
3.2 Individual Diamond Jubilee Yearbook.......
(for PhP 1,000 or
US$ 20)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() ![]() 4.
Pre-Selling of Select Betan Artworks
(for PhP 5,000 or
US$ 100)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() 5.
Jubilee Events Ticket (4 Events)
(for PhP 2,000 or
US$ 40)
ticket is good for the following events: Business Lunch, Barrio Fiesta
for Balik-
Betans, Folkways, and The Jubilee Ball / Awards Night.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (For any questions, please contact Brod Cris Michelena thru ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |