Makati Chapter Fellowship Feb. 25, 2010
Gene Puente '69A
Blitzkrieg 68a 42nd Anniversary Feb. 18, 2010
Last February 18, our Blitzkrieg Batch 68A, together with our Resident and other Alumni Brods, opened our Batch celebration by attending the 6:00 P.M. Mass at the U.P. Chapel. The mass was in memory of our departed Kabatches: Butch Landrito, Ramon 'George' Agulto, Lee Manikan, Conde Dancel and Mel De Santos. From the original 25 survivors, the following Blitzkrieg Batchmates were able to attend: Long lost Mon 'Galit' Ligason, Taby Tabaniag, Jr., Bernie Bantegui, Judz Rey, Botit Reyes, Rey Rivera, Eli Ongtangco and yours truly. After this solemn and inspiring mass, graced by the presence of one of our Founders, Rico Arranz, all the Brods moved to the A.S. Tambayan. We all shared food, libation and old frat stories. It was fun and exciting, reminiscing the past, sharing stories with the Resident brods. Although times have changed, the Residents showed enthusiasm, respect and attention listening to a small chapter of Beta Sigma history. The event kinda reminded me of the annual July 14 fraternity anniversary celebration, this time held at the Beta Sigma Vinzon's. Here is where old, mostly recycled frat stories are told and handed down to the next generation. Blitzkrieg Batch has added another year and it was truly, a memorable celebration.
Walter Navarro'68a, 3-14-10
To All Ka-Batch 68A Blitzkrieg and all brods who can be reached by this mail: WE'VE ARRANGED A MODEST GATHERING TO CELEBRATE OUR 42ND ANNIVERSARY. PLS. JOIN US. CHEERS!
Eli Ongtangco batch68A, 2-17-10 ==================================================================
The batch of '68A wishes to treat
the new brods for a fellowship/dinner on Feb 18, 2010. ==================================================================
[Photos by Egay Aguilar]
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