UPBSFI, Inc. President’s Report 31 August 2008 Los Angeles, California
1. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN – from 25 new members last January 27, 2008 to 107 new members as of today (including Anthony Subijano of Australia, deceased), thus exceeding our initial target (50 new members) by 219%. UPBSFI membership as of today is a total of 230. Brod Raffy continues to lead in the race for Ike’s Cancun, Mexico prize. Bong Beredo is a close second. Thank you again to prize donors Ike Araneta and Kiko Delmendo (one weekend stay at Lake Tahoe).
2. PUBLICATION – Under the editorship of Gerry Abenes, Environmental Awareness, a monthly publication is being sustained and articles published on time, with so many expert brods contributing namely: (1) Popoy Castaneda, (2) Dr. Gerry Abenes, (3) former Secretary Vic Ramos, (4) Dr. Pogs Gaspay, (5) Tatang Vergara and (6) Vic Battad – for the month of September.
3. WEBSITE – What can we say, but a MILLION CHEERS TO NORMAN AND OLLIE! And all contributors of photos, historical accounts, articles, and memorabilia. From just a total of 5,900 hits in February 2008 to 15,600 hits today, August 31, 2008.
4. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT – developed the system called F.R.A.T. which means Financial Responsibility, Accountability and Trustworthiness. In a nutshell, F.R.A.T. lays down guidelines for sound spending of our financial resources, using universally accepted principles of accounting, establishing accountability and promoting transparency. Special mention goes to the UPBSFI Treasurers who not only track, record, maintain and control UPBSFI funds but also the different private donations coming from different sources intended for various purposes or special concerns: donations to Ding Navarro, Teddy Gutierrez, Sonny Quedding, JC-SOMA fund augmentation by individual brods, fund augmentation for resident projects and concerns, and many other tasks that make the job of Treasurers much more complicated than meets the eye.
5. JC-SOMA Support – UPBSFI Board of Directors allotted $1,000 and generated about $800 in individual donations. SOMA Phase III conducted for alumni and residents in Cebu by GrandMaster Johnny Chiuten himself. Training included Kung-Fu, Arnis, Tetada Kalimasada and Pakua Zhang.
6. RESIDENT RECRUITMENT AND MEMBERSHIP a. UP Diliman campus i. The Board of Directors approved 21 “yes and 1 “no” to the allotment of $400 to augment OBBF’s recruitment activity named “Project AirSoft”. ii. We have seven (7) new brods this year and more are coming. iii. Membership now stands at only 41, after others graduated.
b. UP Los Banos campus i. We have a current membership of only 28 due to the unfair suspension of some brods by an Upsilonian Chancellor. ii. Six (6) new brods for this year and more are coming. iii. A dual meet with Diliman is scheduled this September 20-22, 2008, with contributions for several cases of beer, three lechons, etc. (Ike A, Frank M, Jayjay Jayme, Freddy Fajardo, Ollie, Jojo Alejar, Tomsac Criador and myself). iv. Several visible activities conducted by residents and alumni, namely: 1. Almosalan sa Los Banos (with Sigma Betans). 2. UPLB School of Rock (with Sigma Betans). 3. “Umagang Kay Ganda” – Featuring UP Beta Sigma Tumbleweeds at a televised show with Kim Atienza and Donita Rose. 4. Awarding of seven (7) Big Brothers Bounty Scholars (BBB).
c. UP Baguio campus i. Increased resident membership from five (5) to eleven (11).
d. UP Manila (Padre Faura) campus i. No increase in numbers; still only two (2) at this time. ii. The UP Manila Gateway aka Jesus Jayme Gateway was inaugurated last August 9, 2008. iii. UPBSFI will finally be involved with recruitment, with Board representation in the Jesus R. Jayme Foundation whose primary objective is to resurrect the fraternity in its birthplace – UP Padre Faura, thereby augmenting the efforts of UP Beta Sigma Manila Chapter.
e. UP Visayas campus i. The UP Centennial Forest project, which involved UP students and local officials will hopefully generate at least ten (10) new brods, to augment their current two (2) members.
f. UP Mindanao campus i. Membership has gone down to less than 10 members (after graduation of some; two new alumni UP Min brods just became full-fledged physicians). ii. A recruitment party for freshmen (also in celebration of the new doctors) is in the offing. Planned date: September 5, 2008.
7. REFORESTATION a. UP Visayas – Exhaustive report with accompanying photographs by Undersecretary Rene de Rueda is available at our website. For additional information, you may visit the project website itself, found inside same report. b. Latest from Project Manager Johnny Regadio and DENR Usec Rene Rueda– initial steps towards a Betan Memorial Forest in the vicinity of Los Banos are currently being undertaken, in cooperation with the Bureau of Forest Management of DENR and the Society of Filipino Foresters. Expected launching will be on 10-10-10.
8. HISTORICAL RESTORATION a. Malmon discussions underway involving several UP units. Objective: Stop proliferation of non-Banz Malmon designs. b. Current discussions regarding the origin of batch names and accompanying stories. c. An almost complete list of Brods who were former ROTC officers. d. An almost complete list of Brods who were in the various UP Varsity teams. e. Research done by Wally Rodriguez regarding the Fraternity Pin to be re-issued soon.
9. COMMUNITY SERVICE a. Leadership and service provided by brods in UP Alumni Associations in different parts of California (Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Francisco), the most visible of which is at the UP Alumni Association of San Francisco which accomplishments are unparalleled especially in harnessing donors to the cause of the University of the Philippines. b. Leadership and service provided by the fraternity brothers of UP Northern California led by GP Bong Beredo, regarding the UP Medical Association of America (UPMASA) event. c. Philippine Independence Day in Sacramento. d. 2008 International Faire documentation support to the sponsoring organization (Forum for People of Color, or FPOC (http://fpoc.net/). e. Art donation by Tatang Vergara acting on behalf of UPBSFI, Inc. for Sale by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. (http://www.deltasigmatheta.org/) a global non-profit organization that has a membership of 200,000 whose purpose is to provide services and programs to promote human welfare.
10. AWARDS – The Ad Hoc Committee on Awards composed of the President, the immediate Past President, the Vice President for International Affairs, the Vice President for National Affairs, and the Secretary have decided to give awards to brods who have constantly served the frat in a big way for more than a decade, and yet have not been appropriately recognized. These are: a. Brod Jopet Laraya b. Brod Noli Nolasco c. Brod Ago Romero
WHAT’S FORTHCOMING? An International Grand Reunion, courtesy of host UP Northern California Chapter, will be held on May 23, 24, and 25, 2009 in San Francisco. Among the highlights will be the USA Launching of the 10-10-10 UP Los Banos Centennial and Woodstock/Folkways type of activities reminiscent of our glorious days in UP campus.