No UP Beta Sigman stands alone.
With our Resident Brothers at the forefront, the Beta Sigma is the
fraternity of choice among quality students of the University of the
To maintain kinship among all members; to sustain and uphold the spirit and mission that the University of the Philippines Beta Sigma (Brotherhood of Scholars) Fraternity has been founded upon.
To restore, preserve, and continuously strengthen and improve the UP Beta
Sigma identity, and uphold its traditions, symbols, legends and culture of

We come from the University of the Philippines and are proud of it. We were
educated under a culture of excellence, nobility and a sense of vision for
future generations.
We treasure our rich heritage because they give meaning to our symbols and
We are no longer in the university, but rather have become parents,
grandparents, businessmen and professionals. We have become older and wiser
and most of us are now in a capacity to leave a legacy and to lead and
pursue a worthy vision and mission.
We treat one another with respect, regardless of a person's economic or
social status.
We respect the views and opinions of others, barring those that are inimical
to the interest of our beloved UP Beta Sigma Fraternity.
We uplift each other as brothers.
We respect the collective wisdom of our elders.
We treat all other Beta Sigmans with respect, and we likewise expect them
to be respectful.
To live out the Betan Credo.
To act in a manner that will keep our programs going, by sharing our time,
talent and treasure in furtherance of our mission and vision, given our time
constraints and other priorities.
To uphold our priorities of God, family, and fraternity.
To be an asset, never a liability. To help UP Beta Sigma go forward, never
to drag it down.
To willingly extend a hand to a brother in legitimate need of assistance, in
consideration of an individual's or a Chapter's capacity to help.
To safeguard the interests of the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity, and everything
that it stands for.