Evelyn Jayme Amurao's Speech By Evelyn Amurao

...taken after Evelyn delivered her speech. Jesse James planned to make his last speech before the Betan Family on the occasion of the fratball in Sacramento (30 August 2003) before finally resting and just enjoying his Betan memorabilia by himself. But fate would decide that his loving and lovely daughter Evelyn would take his place...
I am overwhelmed by what I see tonight. My dad would have loved to be here.
I wish he was, but there is a time for everything. On the morning of
Saturday, August 9, 2003, it was my dad's moment. It was his time. The
heavens opened and God, with all his angels, gathered at the gates of Paradise to welcome him to his new home, one that
knows only peace and love, solemnity and beauty, eternal bliss, eternal
My name is Evelyn Jayme Amurao and I am the second child of Jesus R. Jayme
Sr. ; Jesse James as you Betans fondly and respectfully called him... a name
that my father answered to with pride and dignity.
I am here to specially thank Beta Sigmans all over the world, particularly
this gathering, UP Beta Sigma USA and UP Northern California Chapter, for
giving my dad renewed interest in his beloved fraternity. We appreciate and
hold dearly all the accolades and honor you have bestowed upon him.
Everything happens for a reason. My dad never imagined finding his
fraternity after almost 25 years of living in Vancouver, Canada and yet, 3
years ago, by accident or maybe, by providence, he did. The events that
followed soon after are legendary.
My sister, Norie, makes the following analogy. Dad started the fraternity
with his co-founders. He was the first president. He met our mom, married,
started a family, watched us all grow to have good and loving families of
our own. Then, he reunited with his fraternity brothers. This brought him
indescribable happiness and contentment. He went full circle and by doing
this, his life was truly complete. He was ready to go.
My sister, Perry, as well as all of us siblings, specially thank Willie
Vergara , "Tatang" to all of you. You were the catalyst. You kept close
contact with dad and with all of us. Your time with our mom to condole with
her meant a lot to us.
To Eric, Ike, Gabby and Tatang, September 1, 2001 was a red-letter day in
our dad's life. You were so giving of your time. Dad received a Lifetime
Achievement Award from all of you on the 18 th hole of the golf course, a
place he loved to be on during his leisure time. By your actions, we know
how much dad meant to all of you. You made dad happy. You made us happy.
Our children realize now that UP Beta Sigma is no longer just words. They
now know that this fraternity is made up of true brothers who are good,
sincere, honorable and accomplished people.
Please do not apologize or feel sorry that you were not able to come and be
with us in Vancouver. Your phone calls, your email messages, your cards,
your thoughts and prayers are comforting beyond what we could ever express.
My mom would like to say this:
"My husband, Jesus R Jayme's, life has changed dramatically since that
fateful day in 2001 when our oldest daughter, Perry, found the Beta Sigma
website on the internet.
When we settled in Canada permanently in 1974, we never dreamed that he
would, one day, find his Fraternity brothers once again and relive the
camaraderie and true sense of brotherhood that was started many years back when he co-founded Beta
Sigma. This has brought him immense joy; joy that was very evident in the
way his face used to light up each time his beloved fraternity was the subject of any
I am very grateful that he has been honored several times by the
fraternity, both in the United States and Canada as well as back home in
the Philippines. We have lovingly gathered all the UP Beta Sigma
memorabilia from all these occasions and have put them on our living room
coffee table. On many nights, my husband would sit and go over all the
memorabilia and letters and there he would sit quietly for a long time
reminiscing the truly unforgettable moments he has spent with his
fraternity brothers. He may not have remembered the hundreds and hundreds
of names, but he surely remembered all the faces.
All of you, his fraternity brothers, have certainly made a difference in
his last 2 years of life. You have brought him true joy by allowing him to relive his youth.
This has no price tag. This cannot be equaled by any accolade that could
have been bestowed upon him. I and all my children thank the fraternity for

Brod Ike gave his own original pin to Mrs. Jayme and Right after the pinning as son Jayjay looks on... asked Tatang to do the pinning on his behalf...
I want to sincerely thank Ike Araneta for giving me the original Beta Sigma
pin that belonged to him. This was lovingly pinned on me by Tatang Willie
on Monday, August 11, 2003 when he traveled from California to personally
express his condolences to me and my children. I will never forget that
moment. It will remain forever in my mind and I would like to thank you,
Tatang , for coming to be with me on that day. Your kindness was a source
of strength that helped us all as we were grieving the loss of Jesus. Thank
you also to Brod Nards Tagueg and Vic Battad who came with Tatang to be with
us on that day.
We would also like to acknowledge and thank all the Brods for the messages
of sympathy that were sent to us. We have received countless emails from
all parts of the U.S., Canada and the Philippines. There are no words that
can express how much this has all meant to myself and the children. Your
words of love and concern mean so much to us.
For now, as I still grieve, I know I can turn to these messages to bring me
comfort when I need it most. This is a most difficult time and I know it
will never be the same as before, but I know that with all of you in the
Fraternity, I will never be alone. Thank you very much.
With all my love." -- Leonor Jayme
First Betans to condole with the Legend's family: Brod Vic Battad and wife Vilma (Canada), Brod Nards Taggueg (Washington), and Brod Willie "Tatang" Vergara (Northern California). 
Seated L-R: Jesse James' son Jayjay, Vilma Cardenas-Battad, Mom Leonor, daughters Evelyn, and Norie. Standing L-R: Vic Battad, Nards Taggueg, and Tatang.
You are all brothers to our dad. As such, you are family. Our home is your
home and please know that you are welcome to visit with us in Vancouver
From my brothers, Jay Jay and Lito and from my sisters, Perry, Telly and
Norie, we will be forever grateful. For as long as Betans all over the
world uphold the principles that my dad and his co-founders set forth , the
legacy of "Jesse James" will live on.
Please keep my dad in your hearts. For as long as he is there, he will never
be too far away.
Thank you and God bless..