"Promises, promises"

Norman Bituin UPD'65




We’re back!  Promised you a few things the last time upon accepting the UPBSFI presidency.
After going over our past files/records (mostly Eric's well-maintained docs) and other sources during these last few weeks, I have created an Access Database to be the central and expandable repository for our org's data.  A tedious process, I have inputted them into Access; then formatted selected data to fit into the attached Excel spreadsheet – the “UP Beta Sigma Fraternity International Directory”.  If you find your name, it means that you have paid at least one membership fee of $25 since our inauguration in May 2001; if not, not.  There is also a column that tells you if you are current in 2005.  As expected and I apologize, there will be missing, incomplete or incorrect info, so please send me the right data asap so I could update Access.  I will send you the revised Directory as we go along.  Hopefully, if you didn’t find your name this time, you'll see it next time.  
The Directory is sorted/arranged in ascending order by Country, Chapter, Last Name.  To summarize, the present membership is 128: 5 Canada, 1 Hongkong, 11 Philippines, 111 USA. In the USA, 11 brods are unaffiliated, i.e. there is no organized chapter in their states; 14 Eastern; 6 Midwest; 8 Northwest (including 1 in BC, Canada); 44 UP Northern California; 29 UP Southern California.  Just a friendly reminder: the UPBSFI Directory is for the sole fraternal use of UP Beta Sigma and should not be disseminated or compromised in other ways.
Also attached is the Profile/Membership form.  If you feel that you’re ready to help us realize our “Vision and Mission” of  ensuring that the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity remains the fraternity of choice at our Alma Mater and that we preserve our traditions, legends, symbols and culture of excellence, please fill up the form and mail along with your membership to the specified address in the form (UPBSFI, 1111 Summitridge Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765).  Remember brods that your $25 annual is our only source of revenue, thanks!
I had also mentioned that we would change our website name from ‘usa’ to ‘international’, and we have. The new UPBSFI website address is ’http://upbetasigma-international.org’.  Btw, the website administrator is Ollie Jumao-as, UPD'73.  Please direct your inquiries and/or send your literary or pictorial contributions to Brod Ollie at ollie@mansys.ph.  I understand that Ollie is now in Indonesia mastering the inner energy meditation techniques of  “tetada kalimasada” with other UP Betan practitioners of this art in the Philippines.
As far as our present funds, as of last week the outgoing Treasurer, Dominador “Boy” Ramos, has indicated that a balance of about $1,515 will be turned over to us.  We had since then placed a full page ad for the UP Sigma Beta Foundation of the Philippines souvenir program for 5000 pesos.  We also sent $100 as our bereavement contribution to the family of Brod Danny Gorrez, UPLB’52 who passed away Aug. 16 in Los Banos.  We are also in touch with the brods from the East Coast who are monitoring and attending to the special medical needs of Chito Velecina, UPLB’82.  I have assured them that the International will do everything it can to extend assistance to a brod in need.  We all do care.  If you want to get the latest news or to find out how you may participate, which I urge you to, in their raffle fund-raising for Chito, please contact Brods Nick Galvez ( 'galsaluk@aol.com') or Joe Llames ('j.llames@worldnet.att.net').
An upcoming event that we are excited to share with you all is our milestone - the 60th anniversary celebration of the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity in the Philippines next year.  1946 to 2006.  60 Years, WOW!!  UPBSFAAI Pres. Vic Ramos will be sharing with us their plans as they become more definite.  We would like to coordinate with the RP alumni and spearhead the overseas homecoming promotion for 2006.  We are grateful to NY artist Wally Rodriguez’63 for designing a decal (see attachment)  to commemorate our 60th.  He has graciously allowed the UPBSFI to rollout this showpiece to you.  To view the teasers, just click on the addresses below.  Later, we might be able to produce the decal for sale at a moderate price.  Watch out for it.
Cherry, Kurt and I thank the Midwest brods, on our recent trip to Chicago at my wife’s UST Nurses convention, for the good food, the sightseeing/shopping tours, the golf game.  Our gratitude goes to the UP brods Josue, Kino, Judge, Willy and Lem; Trinity brods Orly and Dingdong; SSC brod Danny; and Feati brod Rudy.  I also chatted with Mario Pasamba’58 and Laverne Munsayac’63, but unfortunately we were not able to hook up.
Finally, a couple of appointments.  Ike Araneta‘71 has accepted the position of VP for National/Domestic Affairs and Edsel Arceo ’73 has taken the Treasurer post.  I am thankful to these brods for their love and service to the fraternity.  I am sure all the officers and the Board will be working diligently to make the International a viable and meaningful organization for all UP Betans.  As the Southwest Airlines commercial goes - "We know you have many choices when you fly, so thank you for choosing International".  
One last thing.  When I introduced myself in my first email, I forgot to make one confession.  And that is: yes, golf is a humbling game. As the UP SoCal brods will attest, my hook is more vicious than Noli’s sidekick!  
Again, if you have concerns or suggestions my email are ‘nmbituin@msn.com’ and norman.bituin@ sce.com, cell 909-815-1374 call anytime.  Salamat ulit, mga utol (or ‘dorbs’ as the young Betans call themselves nowadays).
For a united UP Beta Sigma!





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