Happy 2006 !!! - And The BalikBetan 4606 Package !



Hi Brods,


First of all, belated Best Wishes for the New Year and a Happy Valentine to all the Betan families!  


Please read the email of RP Usec Brod Rolly Reyes, UPD'66 with the attached travel/hotel packages for brods planning to attend our Diamond Jubilee on July 7-14.  This is posted in the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity International website.  Visit the website directly if you want to read everything online in one page.  


    Then go to Announcements/ For General Public/ Balikbetan 4606 Package.


You'll also see the Schedule of Activities on the week-long reunion from the Affair to Remember letter of UPBSFAAI President Vic Ramos.  This is at the same location in Announcements below the Balikbetan 4606 Package.


As the UPBSFI President, I strongly encourage everyone to support President Vic and our National Chapter.  Let’s make this Diamond Jubilee a resounding success, one that we will always remember and cherish.  If at all possible, let's find a way and the time to participate with our brothers, at home and around the globe, in celebrating our 60th milestone marking our Foundation Day on July 14, 1946.  Like the Movement battlecry of the 60's and 70's - "Kung hindi ngayon, kailan pa?" 


Soon we will be posting the first release of the UPBSFI Directory for 2006.  I am attaching here the Profile Form for those who have not yet turned in theirs.  I personally appeal for you to join the International as we aspire to keep the UP spirit alive.  We want to continue to unite and reach out, especially to the overseas alumni, through our Directory and the World Wide Web; to help the brods in need whenever we can, morally and financially, as in our recent raffle project; and to coordinate with the National Chapter and the Resident Fraternity in promoting our organizational interests in the UP campuses.


Our annual membership still remains at just $25, barely enough to pay for our incorporation dues and meet our web hosting expenses.  Please send your 2006 contribution at your earliest convenience to our treasurer:

     Brod Edsel Arceo

     22374 Lavender Bell Lane, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.


If you haven't browsed our International website lately, go surf.  Our "man on the scene", Brod Ollie Jumao-as, has done a tremendous job in giving our site an attractive new look with his timely, relevant reporting and pictorial coverage.  Ollie's very special section is Health Drills which includes Deep Nerve Technique (DNT), Tetada Kalimasada (TK) and SOMA-Pronus Supinus of Brod Johnny Chiuten.  As a side note, the UP Betans have taken the lead in the healing art of TK becoming recognized National Pelatihs and/or practitioners.  We have several interesting articles and photos in News, Announcements, Milestones/In Memoriam (Jake Tamano'54, Resty Bautista'58, Rolly Roderos'63, Pros Crescini'49, Jesus Jayme'46), Chapters (National, Los Banos, UP NoCal, UP SoCal, Makati, OBBF, Mindanao, etc.), Directory, Pictures, Bits&Pieces and other sections.


As far as the password requests for our Protected Sites (Directory, Announcements For UPBSFI Members Only), some of the internet service providers, like AOL, are not transmitting system-generated responses.  Until we can resolve this issue, the password you must enter is 'upbetan', then click the Submit button.  Please keep the password confidential to protect our privacy.


The Officers and Elders of the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity International enjoin everyone to make our fraternal bond stronger, especially in this momentous year of our Diamond Jubilee.  We can certainly attain it with your patronage and guidance. Email (nmbituin@msn.com) or call (909-860-1410, 909-815-1374) anytime for your questions and suggestions.



ON TO OUR DIAMOND !!! -- NormanB, UPD'65



P.S.1  Pls. go to "Bits & Pieces" for the UPBSFI Int'l Membership Profile & Application Form


P.S.2  Some sections of the Health Drills are still "work-in-progress".  Please visit the website regularly to find out new releases/developments.  Thanks - webmaster...