My dear Brods,
Hereinbelow is
what i had originally
intended to deliver as a Welcome Address, but I decided on the last
minute to just give them to you "in snippets". I thought that the
message would be more lasting if you read it the day after.
Consolidated from the messages of Willie “Tatang” Vergara on the occasion of the Pismo Conference, January 26, 2008.
The next two years will revolve around the framework of the 4Ls – (1) Living, (2) Learning, (3) Loving, and (4) Leaving a Legacy. Just to explain briefly, Living is about taking care of ourselves and our health (Tetada Kalimasada, Betan Nerve Treatment, engagement in sports and other activities that promote fitness, dancing included), and keeping to heart and/or practice the learning we derive from health sections in our website that will soon include the works of our very own Dr. Philip Chua, M.D. UP Beta Sigma ‘55.
Learning is about continuously sharpening our minds and bodies by acquiring knowledge of new things like tonight’s Six Sigma Orientation & tomorrow’s Ikebana Seminar or stuff we see in our website pertaining to our global environment. There will be more as we go along.
Loving is about strengthening our brotherhood by providing every opportunity to bond together so that we can become a devoted support system to one another; starting with the use of loving and respectful language and avoiding name-calling, and by kindred acts like visiting the sick or praying for healing of an afflicted brother or sister or uplifting a downtrodden brother or a member of his family. The publication of a New Betan Immigrant Handbook is intended to fast track a Betan (or member of his family) to become an asset to his adopted country and to members of his family -- one project showing that we truly care.
Leaving a Legacy
is about undertaking activities, projects and programs that will make
the UPBSFI help craft the future of Beta Sigma Fraternity and become
good global citizens, initially with our current programs like: (1)
Promoting Environmental Awareness among our members and, hopefully
become true and devoted practitioners of environmental protection; (2)
Enhancing recruitment efforts among our residents to attract the best
students of the University of the Philippines; (3) Mentoring them to be
disciplined and restrained individuals through the JC-School of Martial
Arts; (4) While providing them with know-how and technology that will
immediately make them productive young professionals as soon as they
graduate from the university and, finally; (5) That our resident members
will later become the Philippines' good leaders and emancipators in the
future. I hope that our UPBSFI today will soon go down in history as
This is
UP’s Centennial Year. The brightest products of UP are coming together
to talk about the next 100 years. If we’re saying that UP Beta Sigma
should have an impact in our respective campuses in the years to come,
then we should likewise stay within the grove of the university’s vision
for the next 100 years. Given this perspective, there is no
Disclosure: The 4Ls concept is adopted from the writings of Stephen Covey.