AND OTHER BRODS CONCERNED, 1) Membership Campaign 75 New Members by the end of July 2009 (from a current base of 125 Active members) a) Board of Directors Recruitment Program Each BOD member to recruit at least one New Member; up to end of March 2008 b) New Member Recruitment Contest Open to everybody; up to end of December 2008. Prize: A timeshare weekend in Cancun, Mexico (Thank you, Ike!) 2) Constitutional Amendments/Ratification Timetable below a) Consultation with the general membership up to end of November b) Ratification of New Constitution January 26, 2008 c) Registration with US Government April 30, 2008 3) Directory of UP Beta Sigmans in North America Timetable below a) Research by Brandy Ancheta, Dutch Aragones, and all Area/Country Directors up to end of December 2007 b) Layouting by Ago Romero 1st week of Jan 2008 c) Printing by Ago Romero 2nd and 3rd week of Jan 2008 d) Distribution of New Directory January 26, 2008 4) Collection Target Average of 80% all Members for the period 2008 2009 (up from 53% in 2006-2007) 5) Fund-Raising Campaign International Golf Tournament jointly sponsored by UPBSFI and Makati Chapter (specific proposal to be submitted in a separate document) 6) Sports & Health Programs/Projects a) Tetada Kalimasada Continuing b) Betan Nerve Treatment Continuing c) Pismo Golf Tournament January 27, 2008 d) International Bowling Tournament Manila (tentative) 7) Environmentalism (This will be UPBSFIs social involvement) a) Awareness Programs (2008) Monthly Advisory on Environmental Concerns, c/o Resource Persons (Manuel Gaspay, Ph.D., Gerry Abenes, Ph.D., Victor O. Ramos, former Secretary of Environment & Natural Resources) b) Beyond Awareness Environmental Program (2009) for approval of the BOD before the end of 2008. 8) Intellectual/Cultural/Aesthetic Activities a) Ikebana scheduled on January 27 a.m., Pismo Beach, c/o Lleva Abenes b) Seminar on Six Sigma management systems c/o Danny Lachica, Ph.D., Six Sigma Black Belter c) Photographic Seminar (plus linkages in our website; example would the photographs of Anna Moraleda) 9) New Betan Immigrant Handbook (c/o Tatang in consulation with volunteers) a) Outline and Table of Contents April 2008 b) Inside pages, first draft - September 2008 c) Final copy and printing March 2009 10) Meetings/Conferences a) Pismo Beach January 26-27, 2008 b) Labor Day weekend 2008 (one-two hours only) Southern California c) Veterans Day weekend 2009 (one-two hours only) Northern California d) Pismo Beach sometime after July 2009 (turnover to new BOD) 11) Resident Membership Targets (Double our Membership in 2009) As stated in our statement of vision, the residents will be at the forefront. UPBSFI will serve merely as Secretariat (specifically, records-keeping and orchestrating) efforts of all partners in mission and vision, specifically JC-SOMA, OBBF, BBB, UP Beta Sigma Northern California, UP Beta Sigma Southern California, our concerned Working Committees e.g. Scholarship Committee, and other groups that may be organized/revived e.g. Fine Arts Revival Group (or equivalent); Padre Faura chapter revival program
NOTES: · Our current balance is $2,768. 58. Details of sources and uses will be shown during our Pismo Conference on January 26, 2008. · Except for donations from individual members to the UPBSFI fund, we are simply relying on $25.00 annual membership fees. · Given our meager funds, we have to hold our horses when it comes to helping brods in need. If at all, we shall conduct separate projects similar to that ones we did for our Beloved Brod Mel Gulfin and family and for the family of Rico Sanchez. · Lending to Brods in need will be purely an individual decision, as in the past. The UPBSFI as an institution does not have a lending program and will refrain from either endorsing or coordinating such efforts. · Donations from outside of the Philippines (including US, Canada, and Australia) meant to strengthen our recruitment efforts e.g. scholarship funds, resident membership training programs, concerts, etc. shall be directly mailed/hand-carried to our Philippines Treasurer Raffy Hidalgo in the case of Diliman/Padre Faura programs and to a BBB-designated brod in the case of UPLB. · As mentioned in another previous email, only donations to UPBSFI funds, whether from the Philippines or the US and elsewhere, shall be subject to audit by Auditor Dan Lachica.
As ever your servant,
Tatang |