Acceptance Message
Such could
define the tail-end of a great term by outgoing President Norman Bituin.
History will be kind to
We are
also blessed with UP Los Baños
Brods like Dutch Aragones and other BBB advocates who are conducting a
well-financed, highly charged recruitment program for our UPLB campus.
Already with 28 residents, they have averted the hemorrhaging membership
due to attrition. With BBB, OBBF and JC-SOMA as the major partners of
UPBSFI, and with all of us flying in the same direction, we will
succeed in our professed vision and mission. The series of Tetada
Kalimasada and JC-SOMA programs currently being conducted by Brod Ollie
in Los Baños
is a very concrete indication of our combined efforts. The exemplary
funding and moral support by the UP NorCal Chapter and GP Bong Beredo,
who is going to the
========================================================================================== MESSAGE OF SEPT 14, 2007
Thank you very much, Brod Gabby, for being a good sport and a statesman. You have always been a good Betan, and you have emerged as a bigger person in the eyes of everybody.
I humbly accept the position as your head servant. My most profound gratitude to all of you for having contributed to this growing process. With the successful conclusion of this democratic exercise, we just fast-tracked our fledging UP Beta Sigma International, Inc. (UPBSFI) in its journey towards maturity.
There is no need to monitor my commitment to serve at an average of 4 hours a day, 365 days a year. All I need to do is to completely set aside all my paintbrushes, oils, pastels and watercolors and reduce my gardening hours to a minimum. I have a very supportive wife who takes care of all house chores, and all I currently do for at least 4 hours a day is garden, garden, garden and paint, paint, paint. But I will certainly need to buy a goat to take care of the garden weeds. J
For me not to be working BEYOND my commitment (Dan Galoso indicated earlier about my tendency to give more than I commit), I hope that most if not all of us will be part of a "working" and not just a "visiting" Board. We shall have Internet board meetings once a month at agreed dates, where ideas, project concepts and project proposals will be presented for your approval. We already have one project concept that is ready for submission: A golf tournament sponsored by UPBSFI in synch with the UP Centennial Celebration, the purpose of which is to raise funds directed towards our vision of recruitment. Brods Yay Topacio and Roy Antonio are taking care of this.
To facilitate our communications, UP NorCal GP and fellow servant Bong Beredo promised to set up a google-group/egroup, initially for the BOD and Working Committees, and later for the general membership.
Working so many hours for our beloved fraternity is not new to many other Brods. On this occasion, please allow me to take exception on behalf of those Brods who not only generously spent so many hours of work, but also contributed vast amounts of money during those periods when UPBSFI was undergoing the stage of conceptualization (as early as June 2000); months of brainstorming with regards to crafting the vision, mission and manifesto that was initially presented in Pismo Beach to key Brods belonging to the U.P. Northern California and Southern California Chapters; developing the Constitution; organizing the historic May 2001 conference in San Francisco that led to the founding of UPBSFI, Inc. (initially called UP Beta Sigma USA) with Beta Sigma's ultimate legend - Jesus R. Jayme, fondly known to all of us as Jesse James; and, later initiated in organizing /funding/ conducting activities, programs, and projects directed to our vision and mission. There were other Brods who later also performed key roles towards the institutionalization of UPBSFI that we see today, like the wholehearted support of our current GP in UP Northern California and the others before him.
Having said that, and with utmost humility, please allow me to EXPOSE these Early Builders who except for a few have, from the very beginning, worked anonymously in the background. It is with much gladness for us to see that all these Brods are in this Board today. In alpha order, they are Brods Ike Araneta, Norman Bituin, Danny Galoso, Raffy Hidalgo, Ollie Jumao-as, Danny Lachica and Eric Punzalan. I have something to share: Considering my aversion to the posthumous recognition J, my first act as your head servant is to grant LEADERSHIP AWARDS to all those I've mentioned above. As an Ilocano (and therefore a parsimonious person), the awards shall be made in the Philippines where the prices are more reasonable, and to be given during our next annual meeting in PISMO tentatively set on November 17, 2007. (There is no other available date, according to Brod Norman's survey.)
May I reiterate my earlier request for Brod Eric to take care of our venue? Those of us from outside of California will probably not be able to attend. But if possible, please pick a proxy who is not a current member of the Board, a golfer preferably. :-) I can go on and on because the agenda facing us is limitless and overwhelming, so I will stop here for now. MARAMING SALAMAT, MGA KAPATID, CONGRATS ONCE AGAIN AND LET'S PARTY IN OUR RESPECTIVE HOMES!
Mabuhay ang UP Beta Sigma International!!!
Lubos na nagmamahal,
Tatang |