PLEASE READ: President's New
Year Message
New UPBSFI President greets all Betans a HAPPY, FULFILLING, PRODUCTIVE
AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2008! After setting up the 'infrastructures'
during the last three months of 2007, UPBSFI has been set to go on full
steam in 2008.
With the help of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the
Builders Forum (a composite group of Officers and volunteers who wish to
contribute to the development of programs and projects of UPBSFI), our
tireless partners in mission and vision -- JC-SOMA, TK/BNT,
OBBF, BBB, the UP Beta Sigma Fraternity International, Inc. is on
its way to produce what it has promised in its Work Program submitted to
the General Membership last October 2007. With the initiative,
creativity and energy of a growing number of dedicated and talented
brods who wish to take part in building our 'movement', we might even be
able to exceed the promise.
Allow me to cheer you up with a MAIDEN ISSUE of UPBSFI's publication
called ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS. You will find the article to be very
useful, friendly and instructive, written by our very own Brod Gerry
Abenes, PhD. (Please click on this link:
environmental_awareness). Caring for
our environment, as I did mention earlier, shall be among our social
involvements as responsible global citizens. We intend to sustain this
publication on a regular basis, tapping our very own resources and
experts in the field.
The immediate future is going to be exciting for UPBSFI. A lot of the
programs will either be reported/discussed and/or culminated during our
PISMO Conference. Allow me to mention some of them:
In keeping with tradition, we are again meeting at PISMO BEACH on
January 26, 2008. The agenda will be long but the presentors promise to
be as brief as possible. Brod Dr. Titing and Cheng Valdez have done a
good job in getting many Brod/Sis to reserve at SpyGlass Inn, this time
with a conference room good for all of us. Our meeting is expected to
last till dinner on January 26. After dinner, BOD Dan Lachica PhD will
be taking an hour briefing us on Six Sigma Management Systems -
a state-of-the art technology of which Brod Lachica is a 'black-belter', and
is coming over to the US to judge the Six-Sigma winner-companies. The SpyGlass Inn management have been gracious enough to allow us to use
the same room for a whole evening of fellowship. The next day will be
busy one for golfers, who will compete in a tournament directed by Brod Roy
Antonio. The women will relish in Sis Lleva Abenes' sharing of her
Ikebana technology, an art she learned during her six-year stay in
Ratification of the Amended Constitution and ByLaws -- The CBL
Committee, composed of Acting Chairman Fred Aquino, Brandy Ancheta, Ed
Quisumbing, Gabby Moraleda (on leave as Chair), and Willie
"Tatang" Vergara, has been making consultations since last month with the
Board of Directors and the General Assembly. At least 8 passes have been
made since we started work on the CBL. Final touches are now being made
in consideration of the most recent inputs and will be presented to the
General Assembly and the Board of Directors during the last week of
January 2008.
A New Global UP Beta Sigma Directory -- minus the Brods based in the
Philippines. Committee Chairman Brod Ago Romero has set the deadline of
January 7 to submit any new information. The President got a lot of help
in building and updating this new directory and those who contributed
the most are worth mentioning: Brod Dutch Aragones for the Big Brothers
Bounty Brods composed of UPLB and VetMed Brods; Grand Princep Lem
Michelena for the Brods residing in the MidWest; Brod Art de Vera, who
promised to turn the latest Canada Directory within the week; Brod
Anthony Subijano of Australia; Brod
Johnny Regadio, who shared the UP Forestry Directory; and Brod James
Madduma, who promptly submitted their New York Chapter Directory.
A New Official Seal for UPBSFI, which Brod Ago started conceptualizing a
few days ago. Two drafts have been submitted as of this writing. This Seal will, as much as possible, follow the
Constitutional provision and will be submitted to the Board for approval
during the PISMO Conference on January 26, 2008.
Our Campaign For New Membership -- appears to be very promising. Already
we have 17 new members since last month. Four of the 17 voluntarily
turned in their new membership fees. The original target of 75 New
Members but the target was recently brought down to 'a more realistic
number' of 50, considering that there were only 15 new members during
the previous two years. So far, six of the Board Members have already
done Part One of the Membership Campaign. They are Brods Noli Nolasco
(for 3 UPLB Brods from Calgary, Canada), Ike Araneta (for Brod Popoy
Castaneda of Australia), Bong Beredo (for Brod Jojo Criador), Ollie
Jumao-as (for Brod Freddy Fajardo) and Brandy Ancheta (for Brod Art de
Vera of Canada) and myself (with 10 new recruits). Part Two further
promises to generate a lot of new members from Aggie and Forestry, from
Canada and Australia. Please click on
see how everyone can participate in Part Two, and possibly win
attractive prizes.
Kudos to the JC-SOMA and TK/BNT -- our amazing partners in mission and
vision. Resident brods from Diliman and Los Baños
recently went through Phase 2&3 training on the Pronus-Supinus system of
martial arts of legendary Brod Johnny Chiuten in Cebu. Alumni brods
Freddy Fajardo & Jojo Alejar (LB) and Ollie Jumao-as (Diliman)
accompanied the brods, young enough to be their children, pooling
resources from brods and alumni groups supporting the revival of the
discipline especially among the resident members of the fraternity. In
response, current GPs Migs Alo (Diliman) and Jerico Gascon (LB) chose
only those best qualified and with best potential to lead the frat, for
the training that lasted a good ten (10) days.
A fund-raising campaign for the year is in the offing to augment our
measly $2,750 balance in our coffers. A lot of discussions have been
made about the Jesse James International Golf Challenge to be held in
the Philippines sometime during the mid-year. Appropriate communications
have been made with regards to our partners in Manila regarding
this project -- specifically the Makati Chapter and the Operation Big
Brother Foundation. We have agreed that all proceeds of this project
will go towards the funding of our recruitment efforts in our campuses.
to be published by early 2009. The initial Table of Contents have been
referred to at least 3 Brods whom I think might be able to help as we
write this ever-important guide to fast-track a new Brod who just
recently immigrated to the United States.
Another Key to our success: A Promising Set of Elders -- They all said
YES to the invitation to become our Council of Elders without
hesitation. These include Founder Rico Arranz, Dean Mag Albarracin (now
Vice Chairman of the UP Centennial and Chairman/Board Director of many
large companies), Dean Ted Topacio, Grand Master Johnny Chiuten, Doctors
of Veterinary Medicine Ed Cornelia and Fred Aquino, Former UP Northern
California Grand Princep Domi Boy Ramos, Forester Dr. Honorio Carino, Agriculturist
Juan Quijano, and UPBSFI's Founding President Norman Bituin. The
President will propose two more names to complete the 12-man Council of
Elders as provided in the Constitution and ByLaws.
I took over this position on October 1, 2007 with some fear and
trembling. The very name itself -- International -- is so intimidating,
and the challenge that it poses is so colossal and gigantic. At first my
self-doubt was so insuperable even as I knew I could honestly keep my
promise to dedicate so many hours per day from Day One till the end of
my term. It did not take long for me to realize that the legendary Betan
spirit is so alive among so many Brods, and that many of you have been
there just waiting to be tapped. I could not name everybody, for there
are too many. I rest on the belief that I am just your servant in this
restoration movement, and that we are in this together to build our very
own ancestral home and bring back the glory that were once in the palm
of our hands.
As ever your servant,
Willlie "Tatang" Vergara